Chapter Eight: Spy Games

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"I really have to wear these things twenty-four seven?" Hawks asked, glancing over his shoulder at the small, one-millimeter camera that a lanky man with long black hair was carefully affixing to one of the feathers on his wings.

He'd arrived at the location of the coordinates Dabi had given him at the specified date and time, which he'd discovered to be a large villa practically built into the side of the Gunga Mountain range. He'd been ushered into an elevator before being led down through a series of wide, underground tunnels that had eventually opened up into a large, cavernous room which was filled nearly wall to wall with people. Given the size of the space, there had to have been a couple thousand of them packed in there. Although, a large portion of that space was being taken up by All For One's pet monster, Gigantomachia.

Hawks had recognized several of the people on the stage before the meeting had begun. Namely, a pretty busted up looking Shigaraki Tomura. He'd been seated next to the CEO of the Detnerat Company, who'd been accompanied by the leader of the Heart and Mind Party, and some guy in a heavy coat that he hadn't recognized. After introducing himself as Re-Destro, the leader of the Meta Liberation Army, the Detnerat CEO had launched into a speech to name Shigaraki the new leader of the group, which they'd decided to rebrand as the Paranormal Liberation Front. They'd been joined onstage by the rest of the League and a man he'd recognized as some big shot from the tech giant, Feel Good, Inc., who was the one currently loading up his wings with tiny spy cameras.

"The boss still doesn't trust you," Dabi, who'd been standing off to the side and observing the process, began to explain. "All of your actions and communications will be monitored and recorded at all times. Since you have nothing to hide, there's no problem, right?"

When Dabi had approached him after the meeting, he'd been told that they had an important job for him and that they'd be relying on him to be their eyes and ears into the hero's movements and plans. He'd spent the night at the villa, going over the literature that detailed the history of the Meta Liberation Army and Destro's will. The next morning, he'd been taken into a lab and sat down on a metal table for the man who'd identified himself as Skeptic to begin tagging the cameras onto his feathers. He'd expected them to keep an eye on him, but this was taking covert surveillance to a whole new, and slightly uncomfortable level.

Hawks shrugged nonchalantly and scratched his cheek. "No problem. Just seems a little intrusive."

"Get used to it. Or don't. If your privacy is that important to you, we can go ahead and kill you now," Dabi replied, also nonchalant.

He raised his hands up in front of himself and responded in an obliging tone, "Take it easy! It's all good!"

"Just do your job and don't complain," Dabi told him dryly before turning to walk toward the door.

Hawks held up a mock salute and called out, "Roger!"

Dabi paused for a second to look back over at him before opening the door and walking out without another word.

"Yeesh! No sense of humor, that one..." He trailed off with a deep grimace.

The guy was a tough nut to crack. When he'd looked into the backgrounds of all of the known members of the League of Villains back when he'd been given his current assignment, Dabi and Shigaraki had been the only ones he hadn't been able to dig up any history on. In the case of Shigaraki, he'd found mentions of a kid matching his description who'd grown up alone on the streets. But with Dabi, it was almost like he didn't even exist until a few years ago, and even then, it was only in vague mentions in reference to his firepower and telltale patchwork skin pattern. It wasn't like the guy was exactly an open book; if anything, he seemed a little extra cautious.

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