Part 10- Dreams...?

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I couldn't believe the memories I had just seen. Something inside me was sending very destressing signals that it was indeed real. After everything that I had seen with my own eyes, which did indeed make my head throb just by remembering how many pairs of eyes failed to meet mine. 

It had made perfect sense and at the same time it made none at all. How was I, the girl with odd lion-colored eyes the same girl with violet eyes? 

The man turned towards me and smiled. 

"I found you that day and my life changed forever." a hint of a smile shown on his aged face. 

"Then what happened to me?" I paused, "Why did I end up on the streets of Ardalan? Why did you leave me to work under that tyrant for so long?" 

The aging man paused, then continued "I had to give you up." His eyes didn't meet mine. "Under the living circumstancing's I was in, the people there would have killed you. More for their own selfish reasons. Men like that only have one drive. Kill or be killed, and to them, seeing you and what you were and the scent coming off you, they would have killed you for what you are." 

The puzzle finally started piecing itself together in my head as I thought about all the information, I had obtained in the last 27 hours. There was still one question that needed answering. "So, what am I then..." 

The man's eyes lit up in answer to my question. "I'm not even sure I can give you an answer." he trailed "I've been doing the research since the day I found you." 

That surprised me. "Where can I get the answers?" 

He hesitated before answering. "I can give you the answers you are seeking but the journey is not appealing and will be tough because it is guarded."

The thought of people guarding my birthright made my teeth protrude from their pocket in my gums. The old man just smiled at my distaste. 

"The Castle west of Adradrin." he said and made me pause in anticipation. "The Wood of Blackdown Keep." My heart skipped a beat. I reined my emotions back in before they were out of my grip. 

"I don't care who thinks MY birthright is THEIRS to protect. If you say who you think I am then they won't have a problem with me marching in and taking what should be with me right now." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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