Part 3

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The man dozing off at his stand woke, startled. Almost falling off him seat in the process. I cleared my throat as the small man climbed up into his seat again. "I was won-"
"Oh stop your fussing, I heard you I heard you." He looked down his glasses at me. "Now ya said you wanted one room for one moon fall and sun rise ayh?" I nodded. The wind picked up around us making the stand shudder and tip forwards. A surge rushed through me and I grabbed the stand just before it hit the ground. Feeling as it weighed nothing, I slowly pushed it back up to its original spot. The little man in his chair stared at me in shock. He suddenly jumped down and grabbed my hand pulling me towards a cottage. Inside, he turned around and said "you can't do things like that in the open! If any man in the rebellion had saw what you'd have done they woulda taken ya!" I looked at him confused. "Wha what do you mean, it weighed nothing" the cottage man looked me up and down then walked to the kitchen. He beckoned me to him so I followed. The kitchen was small but very cozy. The counters were marble the floor was cherry red birch and the walls were a dark grey. The few cabinets were black and the fire stove looked in good condition. I came out of my thoughts as I looked over to the little man who was watching me intently. "Here pick this up" he pointed to an enormous pot in the corner. I hesitantly went and picked  it up. Again his expression was that of shock. Watching him walk to the door I followed. "Where would you like this?" As I shifted the pot from one arm to the other, and reached for the door handle. The little man jumped into reality and stood in front of the door. "No no no you're not going out there like that what did I just tell ya!" 

At the time, I hadn't realized my cloak hood had fallen backwards and my black hair tumbled down. My olive skin stood out and my lion eyes shone under the candle light. I rushed over and put the pot in its place then quickly pulled my hood over my hair and face. The little man laughed at my silly gesture to try and cover myself. "You may stay here tonight but be gone before sun rise. I shall see to it your horse is fed and washed. I will also see to it you are given new clothes and extra food for the way." He turned to go. "Wait!" I called out. "Why do this for me?" He smiled before walking out. "Casadonian's were good to me. It's high tide I return the favor. " he whispered. I watched confused as the door shut leaving me alone. Shaking my head I walked to the small bathroom down the hall. Finding jars full of warm water I filled the tub. Stripping of my dirty sweaty clothes felt like I was shedding a piece of my past. I slowly climbed in the tub and let my stiff muscles relax as the water caressed my skin. How long I sat in the water became foggy. The water had turned cold and I shivered as I took the small cloth and soap shavings on the edge and began to lather my skin. My nostrils fumed at the funny smell and gave my head a throb. After 20 minutes of harsh scrubbing, I felt bare. Incredibly bare. My skin almost felt smooth and my hair was straight instead of matted. Pulling on fresh undergarments I walked to the bedroom where a bear skin covered the small mattress. Good enough. I thought. Climbing in the bed I let myself drift off into a deep sleep. As my eyes closed I smelt a faint hint of the soap I had used earlier.

I was walking down a moss covered path. Animals darted out of  the way as I moved on unconscious feet. A herd of  white stags bounded over a small stream beside me. The air around felt fresh, almost magical. My body felt alive, and something sparked inside me. I reached for it, and lightly pulled. The most amazing sensation came over me. I reached for it again and PULLED. my body was on fire. The energy around was too much. Waves of  power radiated through my body. Bringing the power out into the wild, was my first thought. I was a wild flame, growing. The energy around me was the fuel. I would never burn out. "Do not conceal yourself from the world. Show them who you are" my keepers voice rang out inside my head "You. Are. Strong" and yes, I was very strong. I would show the world who I was.

--Let me know what you think C:

-Your author: Bex 

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