Run *flash back* part 1

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"Go!" My keepers voice came out in sharp rasps. My feet were held down by an invisible force as I watched the blood pour out from her rib cage. Unwilling, the tears I was holding back began to roll down my cheeks as the big fat drops mixed with the blood now staining the floor. Marking it forever until burned. "GO!" She barked out harsher than I'd ever heard. Feeling confidence rush into my body I squatted down beside her. "I will never forget what you've done for me" I picked up her hand and pulled it to my cheek. "My child, you have and will always be my own." as a baron woman she was a disgrace to any man in the court. "Now go, leave this place. Do not turn back" she paused and looked up into my Carmel Browns. "You. Are. Strong. Do not conceal yourself from the world. Show them who you are." I would have almost missed it as she breathed her last breath and whispered "danarius" I sat in my own pool of confusion before my feet unfroze. I hated them. I hated ALL of them. God damn the region and it's filthy lot of royals. I went around the old house and grabbed a sack. Stuffing enough food and clothes to make it to Aridarn I then walked to the familiar room I had to serve in every single day. Where my master was, I had no clue. Opening the door I felt an unfamiliar feeling rush over me. Loneliness. I was completely and utterly alone. The house was silent. No one was yelling. No one was bustling about doing chores for the monster who lived here. I walked into the room, and looked around. Everything was torn up. The massive king size bed sitting in the corner was broken, the desk and all it's papers were thrown about. The chairs had marks on them. Its as if I could see the fight happening in front of me. Finding the thicker marks I knew it was my masters sword. I walked around the desk to the knight figure in the corner. He always said not to touch what I will never have. I reached out, aiming to feel the cool smooth metal under my finger tips. "Karin" my name was uttered from the closet. I slowly pulled out the dagger cinched around my thigh. To anyone else it would have seemed humorous, but after the attack I was ready to hunt. I turned around and stalked towards the closet slowly. Lying on the floor, was my master with a dagger in his chest. Seeing the sight made me go numb but my feelings didn't reach out to him in pity. "Look at you, dressed in the suits I made for my trained assassins" I sneered at him as I crouched down. "Of course MASTER. You perhaps never saw me train day after day with Casjina. I worked myself HARD for MY benefit. Since you had the slightest care in your ice heart to let me stay I decided I was indebted to you. A life for a life. That price was payed. I hope the grave suits you better than this life." I couldn't read his expression as I stood up and walked to the door. "Wait." I paused with one finger on the handle. "In the closet, the top shelf you will find a set of long daggers, and two double swords. Take them" I turned letting my shock show on my face. I hesitantly walked to the closet and his words mirrored what I found. Two black long daggers with red leather binding at the handles, and to my delight were both extremely light in weight.  I reached up again for the swords. My body melted. They were longer than the daggers but had carvings engraved into the metal. These were heavier but carved and crafted to ultimate perfection. "Fatum and Casum" he whispered. I translated the Latin in my head. "Destiny and Downfall" I breathed. "Go to Aridarn then travel south to the old forest of fae" I short stopped but he continued "you will meet an assassin who will train you well." He looked up at me "tell her the name Casadonian, and she will know who you are." I nodded slowly, still unsure of what he spoke of. I stood and made my way out before any more breath was shared. I looked back once more as I paused in the door frame only to find a pair of lifeless eyes and a ghost smile adorning that cruel face. Shoving what little sadness I felt in that small moment down I turned away. Making my way to the stables I breathed in the familiar sent of pure horse. I took out my masters horse Damin. He huffed at me then touched his muzzle to my forehead as if understanding one tragic life to another. I sat like that for a minute. Taking it all in. Karin will be no more. That foolish girl I once was I buried down until it was no longer recognizable.
-end of flash back.

—let me know what you think c:
-your author: Bex

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