Part 4

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I woke with the feeling of being full. My body had a new hum to it. I could smell the soap I used last night still sitting on my skin, and with the Intent to wash it off, I went to the bathroom and found more jars full of warm water. Dumping the water into the tub, I climbed in. Not needing to spend more than 10 minutes, I decided the ladder and didn't use the soap. Climbing out, I spotted a brush and a towel. Drying myself and my hair, I began to run the brush through the wet mess. Satisfied with my hair I began to tie it back into a french warrior braid. Pulling on fresh riding attire, covering my feet in long socks and placing my dagger straps across my chest I put the daggers into their sheaths making sure the handles were in reach. Going to the kitchen I pulled out some bread and lentil soup. After I was done, I cleaned the dishes and put them back in their places. Packing the leftovers, I put my bag by the door. Using the bathroom one more time I made sure I grabbed everything and out of curiosity snagged a few soap shavings . Pulling my bag over my shoulder I opened the door and took a deep breath. I walked over to the stables and heard Damin nicker. "Good mornin boy" I looked him over. True to his words, Damin had been washed, hooves picked, and was fed. "My my my, don't you look lovely" I grinned at him as he tossed his hair. Opening the stall door, I found two sacks on the ground full of apples, carrots, grain, a canteen of water and 3 loaves of bread. I was shocked at the amount of food in the sacks. This much was almost impossible to come by. I shoved the food back into the bag and started to saddle Damin. Saddling up was no problem for me anymore. While I still lived for my master I was in charge of being Damin's care taker. Made sure he was fed the right grain, left out in the pasture for a good amount of time. Worked him when the master left for trips in his carriage. Which he did a lot of.

Looking back, it made no sense. He never road Damin. He was a fine price and rare. A while ago when the mythics were equal with mankind, a breeding took place. Only with certain creatures and only few remain today. Damin, was one of those bred creatures. Mixed with Mans Arabian horse and faes War horse. So naturally, if you watched carefully as Damin ate, you'd find two rows of perfectly razor sharp teeth. He's taller and much bigger than regular mustangs. Speed? The average horse is slow compared to him. Health? a few scratches here and there will close in a matter of seconds. All his senses are heightened. I almost pitied the person who took care of him last night. I turned my attention back as I finished tightening the girth. I put the chest wrap around his lower neck and put it between his front legs then connected it to his girth. Coming back up, I shook the saddle a bit making sure it stayed in place. I was no English woman. I enjoy the freedom of the western saddle much better than all that silly posting. In my opinion, if you're a woman and ride with a cup size larger than an A, you're going to have saggy boobs. I moved to his bit-less bridle and started adjusting the straps. Looking more closely, I realized someone took the time to clean and polish the tac. Feeling grateful, I swung up into the saddle. I clicked my tongue and squeezed my heels into his sides. Setting off onto the road, I left the lot encouraging Damin to pick up his speed. Coming to a slow trot, I saw the crowd ahead thickening. Rolling my eyes I shifted my weight right and steered Damin down a back street. I sat down harder in my seat making Damin slow to a walk. I pulled my hood off as I picked up a sent. I recoiled as it hit my senses. It was like rotting flesh. Like something died but continued to live. I took in my surroundings. I watched every movement. It seemed like the light was being sucked out of this particular ally. Damin huffed and tossed his head up, and dead stopped. Then I saw it. It was took the shape of a dog but a SICK dog. Its head was misshaped and it's body deformed. I looked closer and realized it had no skin. The flesh was brown and measly. It was a big dog. It's tail was black and its eyes were a bright green. I suddenly took pity on this animal. Damin was not thinking the same as me because as soon as I moved he growled and stomped his iron hoof making a loud bang. I smoothed my hand over his neck.

"silebit in dilectione mea" I spoke in Latin to him. He huffed and somewhat relaxed but still kept his chest puffed out and his stance tall. I grabbed the reins in one hand and wrapped them around the horn. I Then swung over keeping one foot in the saddle then jumped down. Fishing in the bags I pulled out a piece of bread and stalked towards the dog. Once I got closer it's eyes narrowed, posing me as a potential threat. I licked my lips and lowered myself down to its level. "I won't hurt you" My heart ached for this creature. It obviously wasn't from mankind. It was a half breed. Mixed with a demon blood hound and werewolf. Which meant, It's human form was hiding but could understand me. I got closer and the hound took a step back. I decided on a different approach. I sat down and lowered my head and offered my hands palms facing up. A sign of equality. I reached down in my soul to the strings holding me together. I gently tugged on them, calling the power up just as I had done in my dream. The hound's eyes widened and watched me intently. I tugged harder on the strings until my body was coursing with power. My air suddenly restricted itself from me and I wheezed. I tasted blood as I ran my tongue over my teeth. I flinched a bit as I felt my canines longer and sharper than usual. My head pounded as my body became hotter by the minute. My raven hair fell loosely out of it's braid but I didn't focus on it. My senses began to heighten. I could smell the hounds fear, and curiosity. I lifted my head and leveled my gaze with his. The hound's eyes widened as he slowly lowered his gaze and bowed his head in a respectful manner. I lifted my body to stand and walked out to where he was still bowed. I gently put the bread in front of him. The hound looked up at me then down to the bread. I chuckled. "Don't worry, I checked it. Go ahead" The hound looked back at me one more time before he tore in the bread before him. Finished, he licked his muzzle then looked at me for more. He walked up to me and began to lick at fingers and face. I chuckled before rubbing his head. The hound looked up to me with grateful eyes. Shouts broke out in the ally. I glanced behind us at a few males coming towards us. I whistled for Damin to come and protect me and the hound from non-mythic eyes. Damin trotted over in front of us shielding us from vision. "Oi!" the bigger man shouted. There was no hiding now. I breathed deeply and pushed the strings back. I could feel my canines shrink back into my gums and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. My ears went back into their original size but I kept my senses the same. Even with my eyes closed I could tell they were only 10 feet away. Damin sneered and the men hesitated but continued. I looked back to the Hound. "too bad you can't look like a normal dog" As if the Hound understood me, he began to form into an over sized rottweiler then looked up, and gave me a toothy grin. I chuckled. "That'll do." I turned around to the men and they paused when they saw me. "Is there a problem gentlemen?" I asked with edge. They paused before the bigger one spoke "Was just wonderin' what a pretty lil thing like you's doin out here at sun rise?" I giggled. Just for effect. "Just passing through." I answered. "Would you like someone to accompany you?" the bigger of the two asked before the second followed and said "Admit it, you can't pass up a chance like this. Got muscles for the road." He slyly grinned. I rose one delicate brow and grinned. "Oh trust me love, I can handle it." Before I turned to the hound once more. "Prove it." the bigger one said. "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you?" I grinned.

"We just wanna know if you can fight or not. If you beat us both we'll leave you. If you can't we'll be coming with you" I chuckled a bit. "IF you can beat me" then I really laughed. "Well boys, nice knowing you." I lowered myself down ready for their attack. They both came at me at once. One being faster than the other. Just as I calculated, the smaller was agile and fast. He reached me first and aimed for my shoulder. I took that moment to duck down and back step, pressing my back into his front. I then lifted a fist and hit him in the face, following with an elbow to the gut. Knocking the wind out of him he stumbled back. The bigger one reached me and swung his left leg up aiming for my head. I blocked with my arms and pushed out. Throwing him off balance. His eyes widened as he gained his balance again. "My turn" I growled out. I launched at him and swung around backwards using the momentum and body weight to bring my leg out and connect my heel to his temple. "That'll leave a mark" I thought. He dropped, clutching his head. I looked at the both of them confused. "That blow to his head should have dropped him instantly." I turned to the smaller who was already regaining his breath and looked at me with anger. "looks like we're gonna get a work out today." I waited for someone to make a move. "Fine, let me be the tiger stalking the prey" I grinned to myself.

Kinda long, let me know

Your author- Bex C:

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