Rock Bottom

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      Very slight possible trigger ;  (okay so this is my first fanfic other than a ferard one i gave up on long ago please leav comments and anything helpful good/bad thank you my baby turtles ♥♥)
                                                        Ashleys POV

         " Fuck " I muttered getting up. I stood up a little too quickly getting
dizzy, and slamming my hand on the counter for support. I heard a groan
of annoyance only to see a passed out CC on the floor next to me. I
grabbed my phone desperately trying to remember anything, anything at
all that happened last night. After not finding anything regrettable other than a few drunken tweets of CC and I, I was satisfied and went to the bathroom to shower.

As soon as I got in, I regretted it. I looked down to see the painful newly scabbed cuts. " You knew he would regect you ash how could you be so stupid.." I thought to myself as I sunk into the tub slowly, quietly sobing.. at least I thought I was quiet. "Ashley?..." CC trailed off with hints of concern in his voice. I stood up quickly " I-In the shower.." I tried so bad to sound normal but its a little hard when you have no breath from hyperventilating.

Before I could try to get out another word CC had come into the bathroom swung open the shower curtain, fully clothed I might add, and jumped in the shower. I stood still in shock wondering what he was doing only to feel his arms embrace me in a warm, loving hug. I suddenly let myself fall into CC crying.. I hadn't cryed this hard since my parents died...

"Ash..." CC whispered while gently pulling my wrists to his chest.
"Im so s-s-sorry Cee.." I managed to choke out.

"I just just-t couldn't not do it.. I poured my heart out to him and all I got was a text.. a text CC.. telling me how he just wanted to be friends.." I stopped only to breath, suffocating on my own tears.

" I understand him not feeling the same way... but.. but-t GODDAMIT I DESERVE MORE THAN A TEXT!" I startled CC with my sudden shouting but rested myself back into his chest and the crook of his neck causing him to do nothing but sit there and hug me.. well hold me.. my body had given out on me and CC was the only thing keeping me standing.

"Come on hun" he said turning off the shower and swooping me up bridal style carrying me to my room. He quickly peeled off his wet clothes and put on some sweats before pulling out clothes for me. He stopped while rummiging through my dresser and pulled out a little red box with sharpie on it reading 'think twice ash..' he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, then anger. "CC DON'T!" I screamed clearly reading his facial expressions. "I'm sorry Ashley but it's for your own good!" He yelled back at me before throwing out the window jinxx knows how far...

(Jinxx will be used instead of god bc hes mama jinxx, 'nuf said 0.o)

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