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Jake's POV

CC turned up the t.v. as I looked at a passed out Jinxx leaning on my shoulder. Then we heard it again.. "OH GOD ANDYYYYY" CC covered his ears until it was gone then sat next to me. "I'm glad they made up but do they have to be so goddamn loud!?" I burst out into laughter then stooped not wanting to wake up my Jinxxy. I let out a sigh as I starred at him, smiling.

"Sooooooooo when at you gonna do something about your little crufsh der" CC asked while shoving M&M's into his mouth. " I don't know if I ever will... Hey! No sugar!!" I snatched the candy away as he fake angry pouted. He was such a 4 year old. " Well why not?" I thought about this long and hard and I was about to answer when Jinxx popped up from my shoulder and starred deep into my eyes " Ya, why not?.."

I nearly had a panick attack looking back at him I tried to keep it cool by responding " Why not what?". Ughh Jake your so fucking stupid heres your chance!! I mentally face palmed waiting for a response. "Oh.... Nothing... Never mind then..." He looked away from me with tears silently sliding down his cheeks. I motioned for CC to go into the kitchen and he did as so. "Jinxxy... Please don't cry" I tried to be normal but it breaks my heart to see this little angel crying. As a result my voice cracked at the end.. dammit!!

He started to get up but I grabbed him by his waist twirling him around. " Jinxxy please... don't walk away from me..." I said my forehead resting on his, dammit now I was crying. " Why?... There's nothing either of us have to say." " For fucks sake Jeremy there's so much I want to say to you, like how I've loved you for 3 years now, or how much you mean to me, or that it kills me being so close to you yet so far away. There's a million things I want to say, like how you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever get, how much of an angel you are, the definition of perfect. Or that when everything around me is broken you know exactly who I am and how to help. When I'm with you I feel like I'm in a never ending fairy tail...." I trailed off taking a breath before continuing. " You've become my everything and your not even mine" I barely whispered the last part looking into his eyes, tears streaming out of my eyes like a damn waterfall. " I love you too" I looked at him in surprise to be met with his lips against mine. I of course kissed him back.

( oops I did it. Janxx is apart of this too only question?.. WHO WILL CC GET? Another band member? Some girl? You? Comment please! I need to know who ima hook CC up with he can't be a little loner single chuppy!!) Okies bye

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