Chapter 2: Getting In and Out

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It was nightfall by the time they made it to the Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society. As Eda had put it, Luz noticed a wanted poster for Eda. "These guys really have the hots for you." She commented, "Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery." Eda winked, King climbed up onto Luz's head, to which Luz was uncomfortable with the contact "Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella. Aah!" King then fell off and landed on the ground.

"You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown." King explained, pointing at the top of the crumbling tower. "And I'll make sure the Warden is distracted." Eda said, she tapped the butt of her staff against the ground, creating a round glowing platform. She stepped away from it "hang on tight." She commented before the platform lifted Luz and King into the air and close to one of the tower windows.

It disappeared suddenly, forcing Luz to grab the edge of the window sill and King to cling to her feet. Eda casually sat down on her staff and flew to the top of the tower "meet you at the top!" She shouted as she passed. King grunted as he climbed up Luz and hopped through the window, Luz followed soon after, crawling through the window.

Luz stiffened as King climbed up onto her shoulder. There were a lot of prison cells before them, all of them occupied by shadowy beasts of varying shapes and sizes. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" Luz jumped and spun around to face a witch in one of the cells.

"You've probably seen me on all the wanted posters." King replied, the witch shook her head "not you... her." She pointed at Luz, Luz shook her head quickly "you probably have me mixed up with someone else, I've only been here for a day." She lied, shrugging.

"I'm pretty sur-" the witch was cut off by thudding footsteps that echoed from down the hall. Luz gasped in fear "it's Warden Wrath! Hide!" Someone shouted. Luz quickly looked around, finding an open cell to hide in, she pulled the door down and hid in the corner of the cell.

Luz noticed the claw marks on the floor and walls, and the stained blood that dotted the floor. She inhaled sharply, realizing this wasn't just any old cell... this was her cell. A door slammed open and she nearly went into a panic attack, she hugged King closer to her then she already was. She shouldn't have agreed to come here, this was a mistake, what if the Warden didn't know she was on a mission for the Emperor and captured her?

"I can hear you." A voice growled, Luz's breath hitched and she held it. "Just what are you fools whispering about?" He looked down at Eda's wanted poster that Luz had dropped "Ah. The Owl Lady." He picked up the poster and crumpled it, turning his fist into a hammer and slamming it into the door of Luz's cell. Luz jumped and tried to scoot further away from Warden Wrath. "I'll get my hands on her soon enough."

Warden Wrath looked into the cell, where Luz and King were huddled in the corner. Their eyes locked, Luz's eyes widened, he stared at her for a moment before giving a stiff nod that only she noticed. He turned away from the cell, and Luz let out a breath she forgot she was holding. Was he informed of her mission?

"Fight against the oppwessor! We will wesist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!" A high pitched voice called, Warden Wrath walked over to the cell the voice came from. He opened the cell door and grabbed the small white creature, he lifted her up and pointed at the other prisoners "Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in." The Warden growled, squeezing the prisoner in his hand, who squeaked.

Warden Wrath stomped away, crushing the crumpled up wanted poster under his foot on his way out. A door slammed shut, and Luz opened her cell, taking a few deep calming breaths. "Ha!" King laughed "he didn't even see us! Now let's go get my crown!" Luz didn't reply, she glanced back at the witch that spoke to her earlier, the witch staring at her with a neutral expression. Luz continued forward, running through the door and leaving the cells behind, maybe she could help the prisoners, they were just a bunch of weirdos like her, but now wasn't the right time.

Two Sides of the Same Coin: An Owl and a WolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora