Chapter 7: Wondering Dreams and Curses

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Warning: drowning, skip the first three paragraphs if you're uncomfortable with it. A later paragraph sums it up so you don't miss anything. Also tell me if I need any other warnings, I don't usually do warnings sooo idk what I'm doing *shrug*

Luz couldn't breathe, that's what she noticed first. The second thing she noticed was why, the dark blue liquid she was surrounded by, blocking her way to the surface for air. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms trying to swim up, but she wasn't sure which way was up and what was down. It didn't help that her lungs felt like they were going to explode from lack of oxygen.

She continued to swim in the thick liquid. She wasn't sure if the not-water was getting darker because she was going deeper or if she was losing consciousness. Her hand hit something solid and air escaped her, the air bubbles floating upward. She made the mistake of trying to breathe. She was choking on the thick liquid now.

She reached for the solid object and her hand met cold air. She grabbed onto the ledge and pulled, kicking her legs harder and grabbing with her other hand. She finally broke the surface, but she still couldn't get enough air into her lungs as she pulled herself out of the not-water and onto the cold stone ground.

Luz's eyes flew open, early morning sunlight stretched out through her room. She still couldn't breathe. Her breath hitched as she struggled for air, her limbs flailing to get out of the confining sleeping bag. She sat on her knees, eyes wide and panicked. She closed her eyes tight as a tear slipped down her face, she put her arms up above her head and held them there. It was a trick she learned after having this dream so many times, keeping her arms up to expand her lungs she was finally able to breathe.

She took deep breaths and opened her eyes, Luz put her arms down once her breathing returned to normal. She wiped at her face with her hands to get rid of the tear tracks and laid back down on her sleeping bag, staring up at the ceiling. She thought back to the nightmare, it was usually the same and she always woke up unable to breathe.

It didn't happen too often anymore, but when she did she always had a... difficult day. So with a sigh she got up, noticing that King wasn't sleeping in his usual spot, she grabbed her day clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Doing her usual routine, changing her clothes, drinking her elixir, brushing her teeth, etc.. she splashed water on her face from the sink to get rid of any evidence of her nightmare. She sighed, turning off the tap and putting her hands on either side of the sink while she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her thoughts returned to the dream, the thick liquid, the struggle for air, and finally collapsing on the stone ground as cold air washed over her like a wave as she struggled to breathe and getting the dark liquid out of her lungs.

Luz wasn't sure if the dream was... well, a dream or a memory, it happened often enough for her to believe it was a memory but well... she wasn't sure when the memory occurred.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and exited the bathroom. She went downstairs into the kitchen, King and Eda were already there, a plate of food ready for her already. Luz greeted them as she sat down and focused on eating instead of her dream. "So it looks like it's going to rain today, so we're not going to set up the stand today. I don't wanna have to put the effort of putting it up just to take it down again." Eda said, Luz groaned she was supposed to hangout with Willow and Gus today, perhaps tomorrow then.

"Anyways, before the rain hits I wanna see if I can sell those trash slug eggs in the market. If you two want you can go through the junk me and King collected yesterday to see what we could sell tomorrow." Eda continued, Luz nodded and King grumbled something about it being work for minions.

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