Chapter 24: Bonus Chapter

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I wasn't sure if I was going to write this chapter or not- but then I did, so here you go! Let's see how the Owl House gang is doing.

What a day. Well it was night now, the moon shining brightly and stars speckled across the sky. Eda opened the door to the Owl House, Hooty was surprisingly quiet... doleful even. Eda didn't think much on it, to much had happened tonight.

She stepped into the house and Lilith quietly followed her inside, looking around the room in a new light compared to previous 'visits'. Right. Lilith. Eda didn't know what to think of her, the woman who cursed her, her sister. And yet, Lilith spent her whole time in the Emperor's Coven trying to figure out how to heal her. Granted she could have done it a better way then throwing her- a kid off a bridge.

At least Luz was safer in the Human Realm now. Lilith had saved Eda from being petrified and had even split the curse with her. Eda definitely felt loads better with the curse split in half now, her joints weren't constantly aching, sure she lost her magic but she was resourceful and she still had her potions, she'd figure something out.

King leaped off the couch, holding his stuffed rabbit Francois, when he saw Eda walk in and immediately clung to her leg. "Whoa kid." She picked him up, he clung to her tightly burying his face into her shoulder. "Where were you!?" King didn't seem to notice Lilith as the witch headed to the kitchen, giving the two of them some space.

Eda sighed, sitting on the couch with King on her lap. "Where do I even start?" She hummed to herself. "Well what do you know so far? Surely Luz stopped by here and filled you in a bit? She had the cloak I made her after all." Eda asked.

King looked down at the stuffy he still held in his paws before replying. "She... What Luz said was really confusing and didn't make much sense..." he started, looking down sadly. "I just don't understand- she made a complete 180!" His voice went from sad to angry as he continued. "She came back and completely ignored me! Grabbing her stuff and almost leaving until I blocked her way out the door!"

Eda watched King in surprise as he threw the stuffed animal to the floor in anger. "Once I finally got her to explain she said you got captured by Lilith trying to rescue her!"

"That's true." Eda confirmed with a nod, but King didn't seem to have heard her, continuing on his rant. "Then she spouted out a bunch of nonsense that I am refusing to believe, because- because if it's true then-" his anger faded, he leaned his head against Eda, his eyes watering. "Then everything was a lie."

Eda held him tightly, she was almost afraid to ask. What did Luz say to make him this upset? She swallowed the lump in her throat before asking. "King? What- what did Luz say?" King looked up at her and replied. "She said she came here for a job, to get the portal key from you. She said she worked for Belos in the Emperor's Coven as the Amber Guard."

"What...?" No that couldn't be true. Luz was a human with no magical ability, what use would she be in the Emperor's Coven? It didn't add up, Luz arrived in the Demon Realm over a month ago- the Amber Guard had been appointed a little over a year ago. There was no way a human could come to the Demon Realm except if they came through Eda's portal.

But what if there was another portal? How did Belos get his hands on her then? If Luz being the Amber Guard was true and Belos needed a portal, then why go after Eda's portal door? Why not get the portal that Luz came through?

If it was true did that mean... did that mean Luz never cared for them? Was it all an act? To get Eda's guard down so Luz could get the portal key? No, all of it couldn't have been an act. That first day- Eda gave her the key, so why didn't she leave then? Why did she choose to stick around?

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