Chapter 27: Analyzing Clues

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It was Friday morning, it hadn't been very long since the Blight Industry meetup and Amity had a lot to think over from that night. Mainly about the Amber Guard themself, and the possibilites that stem from it.

Amity had been worried about Luz that Wednesday morning when she didn't show up to school. After the whole Petrification thing with the Owl Lady she was sure the human would of done something stupid to rescue her. She was surprised when it was Lilith, head of the Emperor's Coven, that rescued the Owl Lady instead.

Since then she hadn't seen Luz anywhere, it was like she vanished. But now the Amber Guard was back from whatever mission they were on for the last month or so. Amity didn't know what to think of the pieces that seemed to be connecting in her head.

She was on her way to school, so maybe she could talk to Willow and Augustus about it since they were unbanned now. Again, due to the Amber Guard's interference.

Amity was at first surprised when the Amber Guard jumped down from the rafters to help her on stage. But after the Golden Guard turned the Abomination off, Amity was able to process that the Amber Guard used the same Paralyzing Potion that Luz used at the library.

Now Amity didn't know all that much about Potions, but hanging around Boscha enough let her know it was at least a potion that wasn't used often or even at all. She'd never heard of it before or read it anywhere so it was odd that Luz and someone from the Emperor's Coven would use the same potion that she's never heard of before.

It could of just been a crazy coincidence though, however there was something else that the more Amity thought about it the more sure she was about her forming theory. Although it had been muffled due to the mask, the Amber Guard's voice sounded almost exactly like Luz.

Amity finally arrived at school, the chatter of students breaking her from her thoughts. Taking a quick glance around, she didn't spot Willow or her friend. Maybe she could talk to them at lunch. Amity went up the steps and headed inside, she stopped by her locker before heading to her first class. Maybe she could visit the Owl House after school as well.

The day couldn't get any slower for Amity, it crawled at a snail's pace. The bell finally screamed for lunch and Amity made her way out quickly. She hadn't seen Luz in any of her classes today, so either her theory was right or something happened to Luz that day.

She entered the lunchroom and quickly spotted Willow and Augustus at their table. She greeted them as she sat next to Willow, it was still strange to be talking to Willow again. Though Amity was glad that she had a chance to earn Willow's forgiveness, she had Luz to thank for that.

"Have either of you seen Luz lately?" Amity asked. Gus shook his head while Willow replied. "Not since the Grudgby game against Boscha. Have you?" Amity shook her head, "she should've come back to school by now, right?"

Willow shrugged "after the whole Petrification ceremony, I would think she would take a break from school to recuperate."

"But it's been weeks since then." Amity replied with a frown. "Do you think she went back to the Human Realm?" Gus piped up. "Without saying anything? I don't know." Willow replied.

It was quiet for a few minutes as the three ate their lunches. Amity gathered her thoughts on how she should go about telling them her theory. "How did you two get unbanned again?" Amity asked.

"Bump said it was the Emperor's Coven that overruled the ban." Willow explained. "I still wonder why the Emperor's Coven did that in the first place." Gus said. Amity hummed, "well I know that it had to have been either the head of the Emperor's Coven, or the Emperor himself and I don't see the Emperor doing that."

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