Chapter 4: A Delivery A Day, Keeps The Curse Away

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Luz woke up the next morning, covering her face with her arm as sunlight streaked through the window in her new room. She huffed, putting her arm back down and letting her eyes adjust to the light. She sat up and stretched, gently petting King who grumbled before snoring peacefully once more. She got up and grabbed her day clothes, walking out of her room and to the bathroom. She changed her clothes and was staring at herself in the mirror when a voice greeted her right next to her ear. "Hi, Luz!" Luz screamed and karate chopped the owl tube's head. "Ow! I'm just wishing you a good morning. Jeez! Hoot! Ow!" Hooty retreated out the window and back into the front door.

Luz sighed "Sorry, Hooty." She called after him, she looked back at the mirror. "First day, don't screw up." She said to herself before walking out of the bathroom.

Luz went down the stairs and into the kitchen, spotting King stabbing some orange goop with a fork. "Good morning, you little cutie‐pie." She cooed, King glared at her "I am not your cutie-pie!" He yelled. She scooped him up in a hug "yes you are~" she replied, kissing his forehead. "I know." He sighed as she set him back down.

Luz heard Eda coming down the stairs before she saw the Owl Lady. "Hello, Eda the Owl Lady. I'm ready for my first day of witch apprenticeship!" Luz said, she really did want to learn more about magic so that she might be able to heal her curse, so it was a good cover up.

The Owl Lady grunted as she shook spiders out of her hair and picked another one out of her ear. "Who are you, again?" She asked, while moving into the kitchen, Luz following after her.

"Uh, y'know, Luz?" A mug hit her in the back of the head as it flew into Eda's hand. "We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together? Yesterday?" Luz reminded, watching Eda pour apple blood into her mug. "Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet." She sat on the kitchen table and took a sip from her mug.

"So how am I gonna learn to do magic? You mentioned that humans couldn't do magic, so what allows a witch to use magic?" Luz asked, curiously, Eda sighed "kid, it's too early for this, plus you gotta do some work for me before you learn any magic, remember." Luz sighed but nodded, Eda chuckled "I guess I could tell you a bit, witches are awarded their staffs from school. But with me as your teacher, you'll be taking a different approach." Eda started as they walked into the livingroom.

"Staff, come to me!" Eda said, stretching her arm out. Clanging and thumping noises came from somewhere within the house before the staff came into sight and smacked Eda in the face and clattered to the floor. "It's early." She grunted, picking up the staff, "staffs have their own magic properties within them, I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm." At this the little owl came to life and hooted, Luz cooed at how adorable the little owl was as Eda scratched under his chin.

"But most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions." Luz perked up at this information, Eda dropped a bag on the floor next to the human. She picked up a bottle from the bag and read the label "Snake oil."

"No one wants an un‐oiled snake. Follow me." Eda said as Luz picked up the bag and followed the Owl Lady to the balcony. "Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there, Bonesborough. You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you along with it."

Luz looked to where Eda was pointing, at the town quite a distance away from the house. "I won't let you down, Miss Eda." Luz saluted, she followed the Owl Lady back into the livingroom. King was now sleeping by the window by the front door as they approached. "I hate to interrupt your power nap, but you have to go with her." Eda said to the little demon, King peaked an eye open before lifting his head to look at her better "What? But I just found the perfect spot. Why do I have to go?" He complained.

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