chapter thirteen

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Lyanna's heart stopped when she saw Miles waiting for her on the steps of Bridgerton House. Their carriage had just came to a halt when she looked out the window to see Miles standing at the front of the house, his hands clasped behind his back.

He looked every bit a fine gentleman, he wore a black jacket with brown trousers and a white cravat.

And it did not escape her eyes, that his attire enhanced his physique measurably. She forced herself to breathe, it didn't matter if his presence affected her. She would just ignore it, it was that simple.

But when Miles had strode to the carriage and opened the door her heart fluttered ever so slightly. She forced a polite smile and tried to focus on something in the distance as she said,
"Forgive us for being late, my father needed my assistance before I left."

Miles took her hand as she held it out, which was an action she had never done. She wanted to kick herself, or maybe a slap would be more appropriate.

"No apologies necessary my Lady." He said as he took her hand. She wouldn't admit it, but she was agitated that he hadn't called her by her given name.

But then she remembered he had only done so in the heat of passion. She felt her cheeks flush at the memory. She hoped he hadn't noticed.

"Have you been well this fine morning?" He asked as he helped her down.

"I've had quite the exciting morning myself." He whispered next to her ear, and she couldn't stop her whole body from tingling at the feel of his breath as it brushed against her neck.

"Well that is certainly good for you Mr. Bridgerton." She said hastily as she pulled her hand away from his.

She glanced back to see Mable pretending to look off into the distance acting as if she hadn't heard their exchange.

"I'll escort you inside my Lady." He stated as they walked towards the steps to Bridgerton House. She scoffed but tried to cover it by clearing her throat. But when she peeked up through her lashes she saw Miles was staring at her with those intense sky blue eyes of his.

"Is something the matter Mr. Bridgerton?" She heard herself ask, before she had even thought not to. He stopped and stared at her even more intently.

"Miles." He said oddly.
"I'm sorry?" She asked confused by what he was trying to imply.

"Call me Miles my Lady, it only seems right." She paled, but then he added,
"Seeing as my mother is to be your sponsor I feel we should become more aquatinted with each other don't you think?"

A sigh escaped her lips as she felt her color returning, her mask of calm and innocence slipping back into place.
"Oh I see," she said trying to sound demure.

"I would be honored Mr. Bridgerton, in that case you may call me Lyanna as well." She smiled feigning her delight, but she wasn't sure that it was all an act.

"I am honored, Lyanna." A shiver ran down her spine as she watched his lips part as he spoke her name.
She wanted to say his name, it had been years since she had spoken it aloud. But the moment had passed and they had to continue their walk into Bridgerton House.

Miles showed her to the drawing room where the Viscountess and another woman sat sipping tea and chatting together. At her entrance, after her apologies and introduction, the Viscountess ushered her over to a pale pink love seat and shooed her son away.

"Would you like some tea Lady Lyanna, or perhaps some biscuits? The cook here makes the best snaps I dare say I've ever had. Though I may be partial." The Viscountess added thoughtfully.

"I would be grateful for some my Lady." She replied. And she was grateful, she hadn't eaten today and she was feeling rather queasy. The Viscountess handed her a tea cup and saucer, the china a lovely white with blue hyacinths blooming around the rim.

"Oh forgive me," the Viscountess said with a grimace,
"How rude of me, my Lady this is my sister-in-law Mrs. Sophie Bridgerton." Lyanna smiled politely at Mrs. Bridgerton.

Sophie was petite and charming, she held the same mysterious air that Lyanna felt she exuded.
"A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bridgerton." Sophie regarded Lyanna warmly.
"And to you Lady Lyanna, forgive me I'm afraid I do not know your family name."

The Viscountess gave them both a sheepish look
"I'm sorry Sophie I completely forgot. Lady Lyanna is the only daughter of Duke Charles Sandringham." Sophie's eyes lighted with surprise.

"Oh my, really? I dare say I've heard Benedict tell a story or two about him." Sophie glanced towards Lyanna with a bashful smile. Lyanna felt herself relax, the atmosphere was calm and peaceful.

"My father was rather rambunctious in his day, or so he says." She eyed Sophie who blushed just slightly.

"My husband spoke of the Duke with the upmost respect." Sophie replied a bit guarded.

"I meant no disrespect to your husband Mrs. Bridgerton.  It's jus my father has told me many stories of his youth and to here him tell it, he was a scoundrel through and through until he met my mother." Sophie seemed to regard her warmly again.

"Well I suppose every man is a bit of a scoundrel until they marry. Well the good ones at least." Sophie and the Viscountess shared a light hearted laugh at that, but she felt like an outsider.

For the rest of tea time, the women took turns questioning her on her youth and her future dreams. She embellished her childhood a bit and as for her dreams she had told them what every mother of the ton wishes to hear.

That she wanted to marry and start a family of her own. After about an hour of constant questioning, and multiple plates of biscuits on her part. The Viscountess stood and declared that she had an urgent matter to attend but that it wouldn't take long. Mrs. Bridgerton also used this time to add that she should head back to My Cottage, her home with Benedict Bridgerton.

She had also stood prepared to take her leave, but the Viscountess insisted she stay for lunch as she had called for sandwiches earlier and they would be ready soon. She gritted her teeth and accepted, making a note to only stay for one and then leave directly after. Once the women had said their farewells and she was alone she collapsed onto the love seat. She was drained and if she had to wait for sandwiches then she might as well take a small nap.

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