Chapter 3 ~ Your leaving

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3rd person POV-

Its been 7 years since Keith first met Shiro and Adam and moved into there guest bedroom. Keith had always planned on only staying a few nights but him and Shiro grew very close quickly and so Keith decided that staying might be a good thing. The past 7 years with Shiro and Adam have been some of the best Keith has ever had, he's 16 now and started going to the garrison where they work when he turned 12.

The three of them always made sure to eat dinner together on Fridays just like Adam used to do with his family when he was a little kid, today was Friday and Shiro had said that he had some news to tell us over dinner. We all sat down for dinner and eat in an unusual silence until Shiro spoke up.

Shiro- I have some news to tell you guys ...

Adam- What is it honey ? Good I hope

Keith- Yeah what is it Shiro ?

Shiro- I got chosen to be the pilot of the Kerberos mission, isn't that great ?

Adam- W... what really ? I thought we agreed we weren't going on missions for a while ?

Shiro- Yeah I know but this is important to me Adam, I've been waiting my whole life to be a pilot on a mission like this.

Adam- You promised Takisha ! *Runs to there bedroom and closes the door*

Shiro- Your not upset are you Keith ?

Keith- No, I'm really happy for you but don't be gone to long ok.

Shiro- Thank you Keith, now I'm going to go try to talk to Adam. Wish me luck.

Keith and Shiro laughed a little as Shiro headed off to talk to Adam, after Shiro was out of sight Keith headed back to his room and closed the door. Now was his chance to tell Shiro his secret, that he wanted to be a girl but there was something stopping him. A memory flashed to the front of his mind, it was the day he had told one of his friends about wanting to be a girl

Friend- No one will ever want to be friends with you if you go around saying you want to be a girl. 

Keith- B.. but its how I fell ...

Friend- Well I cant be friends with someone like you its weird.

Keith remembered it like it was yesterday and he remembers running through the door to Shiro and Adams house and straight into his room. He also remembers the two of them knocking gently and sitting on the edge of his bed, he knew it was the easy way out but he didn't care he asked them to move schools and without a question being asked they agreed to look for a new school. What if Shiro thinks he's weird for wanting to be a girl, what if Shiro doesn't want to know him anymore. He wasn't sure what he was going to do but at least he had a week or two to figure out if he is going to tell Shiro before he leaves for Kerberos. 

Shiro is leaving for the Kerberos mission today and Keith still hasn't made up his mind, maybe he should just wait until Shiro returns to talk to him about it now after all he's leaving in 1 hour. That's  it Keith's made up his mind he will tell Shiro and Adam together when Shiro returns that way they can have a proper conversation rather than a quick one.

*1 year later*

Its been a year since Shiro left for the Kerberos mission and today they announced all crew presumed dead, Keith couldn't believe it. How could he have been so stupid now he would never get to tell Shiro the truth, Keith knew that there was no way Shiro was dead he was going to find him even if it took his whole life. Keith couldn't help but me a little mad at himself for not telling Shiro before he left, if only he had maybe he wouldn't feel this strange feeling he has now.

Keith knows that its not his fault for not telling Shiro sooner and not telling him before he left for Kerberos he wants ready and that's ok he just wishes he was so that Shiro could know the real Keith, the one he longed to share with people. He realized soon after Shiro left that he would have excepted Keith no matter and was sure that when he returned he would be able to tell him with confidence. Now however Keith is beating himself up over not telling him sooner maybe things would be different for Keith if he had be brave enough to tell him. 

Word count- (798)

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