Chapter 8 ~ Isolation

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It's been a month since Keith has told the team about wanting to be a girl. He was glad the team supported him but he just couldn't seem to sake the sick feeling he got whenever he was around Lance. It's not like lance isn't allowed his own opinions but it hurt Keith to know that the one person he hoped would be okay with this whole thing was actually the only one who seemed to hate it.

The rest of the team can tell just how much lances reaction hurt him because he only ever leaves his room for training, meals and missions but he even started taking his food back to his room. It's not unlike Keith to be less social than the others but he's completely isolating himself from them. It started out as just avoiding lance as much as possible but it's slowly turning into isolating himself from the whole team even Shiro is finding it hard to reach him. It was becoming painfully obvious that the other paladins needed to intervene and quickly if they wanted any chance of getting Keith to stop isolating himself.

Shiro - we need to do something about Keith, he can't keep isolating himself like this.

Hunk- I agree, I'm really worried about him.

Pidge- Yeah me too, he's getting harder and harder to reach.

Coran- Well what do you suggest we do Shiro ?

Shiro- I'm not sure, that's why I need you guys help.

After talking with the team for a while they decided on the best way to get Keith to stop isolating himself. All they had to do was have a training session and the plan was set.

It didn't take much to convince Keith out of his room with the promise of training he was more than willing to join. Once he was in the training room the princess locked the doors to the room keeping him and the other paladins in the training room, besides lance of course. The group talked for hours about why Keith felt the need to isolate himself and he opens up to them about how what lance said made him feel. Of course it was obvious to them how he felt but it was good to hear Keith say it, to finally admit to how he was feeling. After much convincing the team managed to convince Keith to stop isolating himself in his room, he agreed only after Shiro promised he'd have a serious talk with lance.

It's been a few days since Keith's rejoined the group outside of mission and training and so far everything is going smoothly except occasional nasty glances from lance but Keith's been trying to ignore them. After all he knows Shiro will talk to him and maybe that will help a little... at least he hopes ...

(Word count ~ 471)

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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