Chapter 6 ~ Came for comfort

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Keith sat in his room for a short while after pidge had left still trying to work up the courage to tell Shiro. It's not that he was worried Shiro wouldn't accept him so to speak it was more he didn't really know where to start. After putting it off for several minutes he put on his normal clothes and headed down towards Shiro's room.

He knocked on the door and as the foot steps grew closer his anxiety only grew. He'd come this far there really was no turning back now, Shiro opened the door and it was like it was somehow a trigger Keith quickly burst into tears. Shiro stood there a moment in shock before pulling the younger boy into his arms and shutting the door behind them. He's known Keith a long time and never has he seen him cry with such transparency, no trying to hide it or ignore it just an open flow of tears. That however only meant one thing to Shiro and that was that something must seriously be wrong.

Shiro- Keith what's wrong buddy, talk to me.

Keith- There's something I need to tell you and I wanted to tell you before you left for the Kerberos mission but I ... I don't know I just couldn't bring myself to tell you I guess.

Shiro- You can tell me anything Keith.

Keith- Promise me you won't hate me ?

Shiro- Keith I promise, nothing you tell me could make me hate you.

Keith- Ok, here goes... I'm .. I .. I'm trans Shiro, I want to be a girl.

Shiro- I could never hate you for something like that Keith, I love and care about you and I just want you to be happy and to be yourself. I'm so proud of you for telling me and I'll do my best to support you any way I can kiddo.

Keith- Thank you Shiro, your the best big brother ever. But I'm scared Shiro what if the others hate me I mean pidge supports me you support me but what if the others don't.

With that the tears started falling again and the panicked breaths grew quicker. Shiro was quick to pull the sobbing Keith into his lap and start rubbing circles on his back. He didn't say anything until the sobs died down and all that was left where little sniffles and a few final tears slipping down his cheeks.

Shiro- Keith I'm sure the others will be supportive of you. But just know that you'll always have me and pidge to help you threw all this, no matter what happens with the others.

Keith- I know, thank you Shiro. I'm ganna tell them all tomorrow at breakfast, I think i'm ready.

Shiro- Are you sure, only tell them if your sure your ready.

Keith- I'm sure, I think I've known for a long time I just tried to ignore it but I can't anymore.

Shiro- I'm proud of you Keith, and I know your dad would be to. You should get some rest, otherwise you'll miss breakfast.

Keith- Your right, thanks Shiro. Good night.

Shiro- Good night Keith, come here.

Shiro pulled Keith into one last hug holding Keith tightly to his chest. Keith wrapped his arms around Shiro like his life depended on it but finally they both let go. Keith headed back to his room like he was floating, he felt better than he had in days and in that moment Keith felt happy, loved and that's all he could ask for. He knew tomorrow could go one of two ways but for tonight he'd sleep knowing that he has at least two people that support him and he hoped that the other paladins would support him also. He drifted into a soft sleep knowing that soon he wouldn't be a he but finally a she just like he had dreamed all those years ago and every night until today.

Shiro however couldn't sleep, how could he have missed something like Keith wanting to be a girl. If only he had noticed he could have helped a long time ago, he couldn't dwell on that now. He knows the truth now and he will do whatever he can to help Keith to become the woman he wants to be no not he she wants to be. That wasn't the only reason he couldn't seem to be able to get to sleep however, he was worried no terrified that the other paladins wouldn't accept Keith he just hopped with his whole heart that he was wrong to worry about it and they would all accept Keith and help with the transition, which Shiro also knew wasn't going to be easy but he made a silent vow that he would hold Keith's hand through the whole process.

(Word count ~ 806)

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