Chapter 4 ~ Broken soul

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It had been unusually quiet for the paladins the last week or two giving them lots of free time to train and do other things they liked doing but never really seemed to have time for now that they were paladins of Voltron. Everyone was having a good time relaxing, everyone but Keith. These past few days have been tough on him, there's only so many hours in a day that he can train and distract his mind. Unlike the others Keith hated having free time because it gave him time to think and he often became overwhelmed with thoughts he'd rather not dwell on for too long.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and everyone was off doing their own thing, Keith had been training for hours and finally decided that maybe it was time he tried something else. He decided that he would take red out for a fly around the castle at least maybe that would take his mind of that all too familiar feeling balling up in his chest. Unfortunately the thoughts didn't stop and yet again he became overwhelmed by his thoughts. This time however he'd made up his mind, he was a girl he would always be a girl all he needed was to find the courage to tell the others. He hoped that they would except him for who he was, a girl. Red seemed to except him at least letting out a gentle purr that shock him for a brief moment, he knew that was her way of letting him know she excepted him and would protect him.

He'd finally excepted that yes he was trans and yes he wanted to be a she but that didn't stop the thoughts of, what if they don't except me ? what if they tell me to leave ? before he could realize he was being overwhelmed with doubt. Red landed them in the hangers but didn't yet open her mouth to let Keith leave, instead he curled up in the pilots chair and finally let himself cry. Keith must have been in red crying for longer than he realized because he heard Shiro's voice faintly from outside his lion.

Shiro- Keith buddy are you alright in there ? Are you hurt ?

Keith- I'm alright.

Shiro- Ok, well dinner will be ready in a few so don't be too much longer in there.

Keith- Alright, ill be out in a sec.

Shiro knew that something was wrong, Keith had been off for a few days he tried to play it off like he was fine but Shiro knows Keith and he knows when somethings wrong. He didn't want to push it too much however because he knew that when Keith was ready Shiro would be one of the first to know what's wrong. After heading back to his room to change Keith headed to the dining room where everyone was already sat down waiting to see what hunk had cooked them. Pidge was the first but certainly not the only one who noticed how red and puffy Keith's eyes where it looked as if he'd been crying, of course they don't know that he had  in fact been crying only moments before. 

Keith was the first to finish eating, he thanked hunk for the food and hurried for the exit. Pidge shared a look with Shiro that meant she'd follow him in a moment as to not let onto the others they thought something was wrong. Keith walked passed the open door to Allura's room which was full of bags of clothes she was going to give to the rebels so when he saw the a bag that had a red skirt, black boots and a black crop top and a black cropped jacket. He quickly grabbed  the bag from her room and headed back to his own. Once he was inside the put the bag on his bed and closed the door to his room. He figured he'd just try them on and then take the bag back to Allura's room before anyone noticed it was gone. There's no harm in trying it on, right ? What's the worst that could happen ?

(Word count ~ 704)

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