Chapter 2- Dumbledore's Office

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Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was sitting in his office, eating lemon drops, and contemplating what to do. He had recently gotten a letter from the Lost Potter triplets, not that anybody really knew them, and had yet to decide what to do. While having them close could be useful, nobody knew who they were, and those that did believed them to be squibs. Having them back and magical could ruin all that he had planned.

At that moment, Minerva McGonagall came bursting in, in a fashion quite unlike the stern and stiff witch.

"Minerva, what seems to be the matter?" he asked, magically putting back on his grandfatherly twinkle.

"Albus, I was in my office, and look at what the list says!" Minerva was, of course, referring to the magical scroll that has the names and addresses of all students who have been accepted to Hogwarts.

Albus took the scroll from her shaking hands, and scanned down the list. Davis, Tracey; Granger, Hermione; Greengrass, Daphne; Finch-Fletchley, Justin; Finnegan, Seamus. Further down was Malfoy, Draco; Moon, Lilith; Nott, Theodore; Orwell, Leslie; Patil, Padma; Patil, Parvati. Finally, what Minerva was surely pointing to, was Potter,Edward; Potter, Hawthorne; Potter, Rosalyn.

"My goodness! Harry and Rosalyn Potter have magic?" Albus faked. He couldn't have his loyal Deputy Headmistress finding out his plans.

"Yes!" Minerva all but shrieked.

"Calm down, Minerva. Does it say what the address is?"

"Yes, that's what else is surprising. Eutisyal Alley, London."

Albus furrowed his brow, trying to remember where that was. For all his brains, he could not remember where that might be. He even rolled up his robes to check the scar on his left knee that happened to be a map of London.

"Minerva, my dear, I haven't the slightest idea where that is."

"Me neither, but I can guess that it is a back alley somewhere in London. The children might have named it themselves; that might be why we don't recognize the name." Minerva pondered.

"Well, best not to dwell on this. First, we should send the acceptance letters to this Eutisyal Alley. If they made the list, they must be magic. And I see no reason why we shouldn't accept them into Hogwarts."

With a wave of his wand, fancy lettering appeared on a piece of yellowed parchment. The parchment swiftly folded and put itself into an envelope, a red wax seal proudly stamped on it.

The two professors stood by the window, looking out at the Hogwarts grounds. Albus unlocked the cage of the school owl that he kept in his office for regular errand jobs, and tied the letter to the owl's foot.

"Good luck Potters" said the Headmaster, launching the owl into the sky.

Sorry this was so short, but I had a really good stopping point. A lot of these chapters will probably be either really long or short since I never know when to stop. This is the last chapter I have prewritten completely. I've already written the beginning of the next, but I'll need to finish it. I had an idea rush today, and also got very hyper. I think when I see people like my story I get both extremely hyper, and a lot of ideas, which in turn makes me even more hyper. I've calmed down, thank goodness :)

Anyways, thank you so much for reading! Next chapter might take a little longer, since I don't have it prewritten. I've gone from 'Hey, I'm going to copy paste a chapter into Wattpad!' to 'Hey, I'm going to write a chapter!....Or more likely a part of one'

Thank you to Havika14 for commenting and voting!  You've given me some great ideas, and I can't wait to write more!

*insert catchy phrase here. I should really get one, actually.*


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