Chapter Seven- The Lion's Den

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Rosalyn's POV

Right as Rosalyn finished her slice of pie, Percy Weasley and another fifth year with dark skin and hair stood up and called the other Gryffindors to attention.

"Gryffindors, follow me!" called Percy.

Everyone got up and followed the two fifth years out of the Great Hall and up some long, winding stairs that moved if you hesitated for too long. Poor Neville Longbottom panicked as the group was moving from one stair to the next, and got left behind. They had to wait for 10 minutes until the stairs moved back to where they were going.

Eventually, they were led to a portrait of a lady wearing pink and sipping wine. The girl with long, dark hair stopped them and said, "Listen up. This is the password to get into the common room. Be careful that you remember it, or you'll have to sleep outside. Caput Draconis."

The portrait swung forward, revealing a large hole to walk through. When they were inside, they were greeted with a cozy common room, decorated in warm browns, with accents of red and gold.

"Hello, I'm Angelica Cole, and this is Percy Weasley, and we are your prefects. You can come to us if you have any questions or problems, and we'll do our best to solve it," said the dark haired girl.

"You'll get your schedules tomorrow at breakfast, which starts at 7:30. Now, boys dorms are on the right, girls on the left. Get a good night's sleep, and make sure you arrive on time to class," Percy finished.

Tired from the long journey, everyone began to file into the dorms. Rosa found she was sharing a dorm with Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, and Parvati Patil.

"Hi, remember me? From the train?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, Hermione! Are you glad to be sharing a dorm together?"

"Yeah! I'm so excited for tomorrow! What classes are you looking forward to the most?" Hermione asked inquisitively.

"Probably Transfiguration and Potions. I've had a lot of practice cooking and Potions seems somewhat similar to that, and well, I just really think Transfiguration sounds cool." Ro said sheepishly. "What about you?"

"Ooh, I'm really looking forward to all of them, but I'm probably looking forward to Transfiguration and Charms the most. I'm just super excited to do some spells!'

"Will you two stop your blathering and go to sleep? Some of us are tired and want to go to bed."

"Brown, literally two seconds ago you were talking to Patil about all the cute boys, including my brother. You have no room to talk." Rosa snapped.

Brown had the audacity to look offended, but Ro just turned around and said to Hermione, "She has a point, we should get ready, we have a big day tomorrow."

With that, they both got ready and went to sleep. Before she drifted off to sleep, Rosalyn thought to herself, Today has been a good day. 


"...And that's what happened," Rosa finished, as she munched on some bacon.

"Cool! I'm glad you've made a friend, even though it seems you might have made enemies out of Brown and Patil", Harry chuckled.

Rosa punched him in the arm, making him drop his eggs, but she couldn't hold back her own giggles.

"Well how did your first night go?"

Harry launched into an explanation of his own first night, going into detail about the portraits bets, which left her in a fit of laughter.

"That's odd," she said after her laughter had subsided. "Why did your Head of House come and give a speech and introduce himself, but ours didn't? Is it a matter of lack of responsibility? Professor McGonagall doesn't seem like the type to shirk her duties."

"Maybe Professor Snape was just going the extra mile?" (would you say like, extra kilometer in Britain and other countries? Or does that saying not exist?)

"I don't know." At that moment, Professor McGonagall came up, and handed her her schedule. " Mr. Potter, I also have your schedule, from Professor Snape", she said, handing Harry his schedule. "Oh, and the headmaster requested to see you both in his office after breakfast. He also wanted me to tell you he enjoys sherbet lemon."

"Thank you, professor."

They quickly looked at their schedules.








History of Magic-Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff








12:00am Astronomy- all first years








Double Potions-Slytherin/Gryffindor


Afternoons off

(Slytherins are the first, gryffindors second. So for the first class on Tuesday for example, Slytherins have it with Hufflepuff, Gryffindor with Ravenclaw)

"Why'd she mention that the headmaster likes sherbet lemons?"

"I don't know, but it probably means something. In any case, we should probably go to his office," Harry replied, gathering his bag. Ro quickly followed, and after getting directions from an older year, they headed to see the headmaster. 

Kind of an abrupt ending, but it's getting late and I'm tired. Hi guys! It's been a while, but I promise I haven't abandoned this story, I just have a bad upload schedule. I've noticed that when I started this story I kind of combined a bunch of things I like to read into one story, and that didn't really work. However, I'm not giving up, so I'm going to attempt to improve my writing as I go. I think I am improving, though, so that's a plus. 

Anyways I'll see you guys next time!


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