Chapter Six- Gryffindor! No, Slytherin! No, Hufflepuff! No, Ravenclaw!

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(The order of houses above does not indicate which house Rosalyn and Harry go into.)

1304191fox hello

Hawthorne's POV

The ratty, brown hat slid onto Harry's head, slipping down over his eyes and blocking his vision of everyone.

Ah, yes. What an interesting mind you have.

Harry nearly jumped, but resisted, knowing how stupid it would look to everyone else.


Hello. I'm the Sorting Hat, if you hadn't caught on already.

Oh. Uh, well I'm Hawthorne. Wait, how does this even work? Some form of Legilimency?(yes he knows about legilimency, though he doesn't know how to use it. Neither rosalyn nor harry know occlumency nor legilimency. Ok back to the story)

Well, I actually don't know how it works, but I do know that the Hogwarts Founders enchanted me. You could probably ask one of their portraits.

Right, well let's get back on topic.

Ah, yes. Well you're very loyal, but not above using "foul play". I don't think Hufflepuff would be right for you.

I agree. Not to mention, Hufflepuffs are very trusting, and I'm, well, not.

Yes, that wouldn't be a good fit for you at all. Well, Gryffindor is off the table. You're not rash and reckless in the slightest, and while you have plenty of courage and determination, you won't leap into action without a plan.

Yeah, I knew I wouldn't be a Gryffindor.

Onto Ravenclaw. You are quite intelligent, and while you are not wise yet, as you gain experience, you will be. You have plenty of wit and cleverness. Ravenclaw would be an excellent fit for you.

What about Slytherin?

Ah, yes. Slytherin. You have boundless amounts of ambition and self preservation. You are also very cunning, resourceful, and would be an excellent leader. Yes, you would be remarkable in Slytherin.

Well then, it's up to you, Hawthorne. Which would you be great and happy in?

Harry paused for a moment, unsure. Sure, in Ravenclaw, he could thrive and learn. But, in Slytherin he could be great. He could lead.

Sensing his thoughts, the Hat said alright, better be SLYTHERIN!

The Hall clapped, thunderous cheers coming from the Slytherin table.

Harry looked up towards where the rest of the first years were waiting, and caught eyes with Rosalyn. She was beaming at him, and clapping harder than any of the other first years. He smiled back at her, and quickly walked down to the Slytherin table where one of the older years quickly moved to make room for him.

Professor McGonagall turned back to the list, and called out "Potter, Rosalyn!"

Rosalyn's POV

Rosalyn quickly sucked in a breath, fast walking up to the stool. Sitting on the stool, Professor McGonagall placed the Hat on her head, the folds going over her eyes.


Hello, Rosalyn.

How do you know my name?

My dear, I can see your memories. Of course I know your name.

Makes sense. But how are you talking to me?

Curious one, aren't you? Your brother asked the same things. Hawthorne, not Edward. I don't actually know how I can talk to you, all I know is that the Founders enchanted me. You could ask one of their portraits if you really want to know. Now, let's get on with the Sorting.


You are very loyal, and hard working, but not trusting, and like your brother, if you see an opportunity, you'll take it, even if it's "foul play". No, Hufflepuff is not for you.

I didn't think so.

You are also very resourceful, clever, and have boundless determination, but you aren't very ambitious. You also have some self preservation, but if someone you care about is in danger, you will throw that completely away. No, you wouldn't do well in Slytherin.\

That leaves Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

Correct. Now, you have all of the Ravenclaw qualities. You are very intelligent, and like your brother, again Hawthorne, not Edward, will grow into a very wise person. You also love to learn, and have boundless amounts of creativity and wit. Yes, Ravenclaw would be a great fit for you.

Gryffindor, on the other hand, is also a great fit. You have great courage, nerve, and determination, and can also be reckless and not think as thoroughly as you should. You could be the Gryffindor to Hawthorne's Slytherin, the lion to his snake. You would balance each other out, and be able to greatly help each other out. But ultimately, the choice is up to you. Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?

Rosa thought for a moment. She loved learning, and wanted to be able to be with other great minds. But at the same time, she wanted to be a Gryffindor, she wanted the craziness, recklessness, courage, to help her brother and others(just assume when I say her brother, im talking about Harry, unless it's obviously Edward).

Gryffindor. I choose Gryffindor.

Okay then, better be GRYFFINDOR!

As she lifted the hat off her head, the Hall burst into cheers, the Gryffindor table accounting for most of it. Before she stood up, she searched for Harry within the sea of green ties. She caught his eye, and Harry gave her a soft smile. It wasn't the beam Rosa had given him, but to Rosa, who knew her brother, it was just as good.

She smiled back, before practically skipping down the steps and slipping into a seat at the Gryffindor table.

Dumbledore proceeded to give an absurd speech, talking about how the third floor corridor was forbidden(seriously, who tells that to a room of reckless teenagers, no matter how much self preservation the Slytherins had, or how smart the Ravenclaws were) before telling them to "Tuck in!"

On the opposite ends of the Hall, Rosalyn and Hawthorne smiled to themselves, thinking that maybe, they belonged here, and helped themselves to the feast.

(yes, i know that he doesn't talk about the forbidden corridor until after the feast, and Tuck in is in a different book, but this is a fanfiction, and the ending of this chapter is too cool to actually try and be accurate to the book)

Sorry that this took so long, I was trying to write over the weekend, but I kept on having things to do and I didn't have time until today. I know it's kind of short, but it was a cool stopping point. Now, school is starting, so I won't be able to update as much(even though I haven't been updating that often), but I'll do my best to update as much as I can. 

Thank you so much for reading, and for waiting so long for me to update!

See you next time!


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