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Yoongi decides to keep his pregnancy a secret .

Taehyung finally tells them



From Hyeonso
Byeol wants to see you , is tomorrow ok ?

Me: I thought we agreed I wouldn't see her until the paternity test came back

Hyeonso: Jesus Christ Tae shes yours ! Stop being an idiot shes more you than me.

Me: whatever

Taehyung turns his phone and sighs , he couldn't keep this a secret , it just kept eating him up , he has no choice but to come clean .

Standing up from his chair he leaves the shared office and finds Yoongi and Namjoon folding clothes in the living room , Minseok asleep on Yoongi's lap .

"Hey" Taehyung greets

"Oh you're done already ? I thought you'd be there until dinner" Yoongi asks .

"Well I have to talk to you guys about something" Taehyung says firmly sitting down next to Namjoon

"What is it ?" Namjoon asks

"There's really no easy way to say this and I hope you guys can understand and really I'm not sure if its an official thing yet because-"

"Tae , you're rambling" Yoongi cuts him off frowning

"You guys remember Hyeonso right ?"

"How couldn't we" Yoongi remarks

"Well , I got a note" Taehyung starts getting the folded the paper from his pocket

He unfolds it and hands it to Yoongi with a shaky hand . Namjoon leans towards to the younger to read it with him .

Taehyung just stares with a worried expression and wondering how they're going to take it .


"Yoongi I-"

"No this isn't true no.... This isn't happening" Yoongi starts to raise his voice .

"NO ! YOU DO NOT HAVE A DAUGHTER WITH HER !" Yoongi then screams causing Minseok to wake up

"Yoongi the kids can hear you" Namjoon says softly trying to calm him down

"I saw her the other day when we met at Seokjin's and she looks like me but I'm going to get a paternity test" Taehyung tries to reassure

"Wait you saw her ?" Namjoon then speaks up now carrying Minseok .

"I had no choice !" Taehyung defends

Yoongi then breaks into a sob still holding the letter in his grasp

"Yoongi I promise that as soon as I get the results back we will make a decision"

"You-you lied to us ! To me ! Why didn't you tell us as soon as you got this fucking letter ! How could you ?" Yoongi says in between sobs .

"I don't know I just thought this is something I needed to do alone" Taehyung says softly rubbing the back of his neck .

"So what's going to happen ? You're gonna leave us and go start your new family ?" Yoongi tells Taehyung

"What ? no ! That's not going to happen , whatever the paternity test says or what Hyeonso does this is not going to tear me apart from you guys" Taehyung replies .

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