The best toilet poem ever :D

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It's a beautiful sunny day, the weekend is finally here and children all over the word rejoice on this magnificent 2-day time period of freedom where every minute shall not be wasted on useless homework and studying.

I had really good plans for today. I really did, except now I'm stuck in my bathroom.... with diarrhea. I myself decided that I should stay in here for maybe like..... the whole day? because I'll keep coming back here anyway so why not? Yes I know I'm really smart for having such a great idea. ^_^

So to entertain myself, I took a notebook and a pencil with me to doodle stuff while my butt is busy doing its thang.

"Hmm I feel like writing a poem............ I know! I'll write about toilets!!" :D

So there I was, writing the very first line of the first and last poem I would ever willingly write.



"Merpina! Are you ok in there?! Do you need any help? You've been in there for so long."

"Yeah mom! I'm totally fine. I'm just celebrating my accomplishment!!"

She walked away mumbling, "Sighhhhhhhhh kids these days find accomplishment in doing very little."

What does she mean by that?? e.e

Oh well who cares I wrote a poem wohoo :D

-5 hours later-

This is my throne

A place where my royal butt is particularly well known

Sitting here for hours on end

Waiting for my imagination and reality to blend

I ponder upon the delicacies of the world in wonder

I even tried mending what is torn asunder

But all my intellectual plans and visionaries are blown

For only now realization hit me like a stone

I could do nothing but perch upon my throne

"............ Wow, this is clearly stupid. I'm never writing a poem again"

I got up and my pencil fell in the toilet.

"Oops there goes the fourth pencil this month."

I left the bathroom and zoomed towards the kitchen to hunt for a snack. All this poem writing made me hungry. I opened the refrigerator in hopes that my dad hasn't eaten all the ca..... nevermind he has.

I turned around and spotted a note on the refrigerator. In big bold letters it was titled,


Awhhh yeahhhh tell me where it is, you beautiful yellow sticky note.

I took a closer look and read the badly written words underneath.

Dear Merpina,
There is no food LOL

Oh why must life still go on... ;-;

But wait!! Don't stop reading pls omg lol Lmbo (b stands for butt btw lolzz)

Kids if you ever decide to teach your parents text talk then please don't.

Your mom and I are on a two day long vacation to China Lmbo!! Have fun kiddo and don't forget what you have to do tomorrow!!

-Love, Mom and your Amazing Dad :)

P.S. Don't you dare come near my microwave -Mom

How was I supposed to know that eggs with their shells on aren't supposed to be in a microwave??

P.P.S.S Pls don't burn the house down and if you do, then grab my laptop, it's new.

Hey!! All I did was try to solve a rubix cube.... after that I don't remember anything except that the house was on fire. :T

I threw the sticky note to my side and reached for a cereal box in one of the cupboards. I sat on the kitchen counter and munched on dry processed wheat.

A spider crawled towards me and paused beside me. I stared at it and it stared back.

( ._.) <--- Me

(*=*) <--- Spider

( ._.) <--- Me

(*=*) <--- Spider

( ._.) <--- Me

(*=*) <--- Spider

Then you can guess what i did next.

Yep i took a match stick which was on the counter and put it in one of the drawers. You never know when the house can catch fire.

I went back and sat in my original place, the spider stood still waiting for me, and i poured some cereal on top of it.

And so that's how my Saturday ended. Me and my pet spider, Billy Kardashian, munching on cereal till we fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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