A juice box??

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After getting a month's detention and hours of scolding, it was lunch hour already (yes it took that long). We  ran all the way to the cafeteria. I absolutely LOATHE running but this time it's an exception because well..... food. Need i say more?

We met up with our friends, Briannah and Ashley (the two most inseparable friends) at a lunch table. Oh and it's Briannah's birthday so she brought CAKE!! :D

"HAPPY BIRFDAYY BREE!!!" we simultaneously said.

Then to ruin the moment, Manhoorie added, "Birthdays are like boogers. The more you have them stuffed into your nose, the harder it is to breath!!" :D 

*sigh* =.=


Halfway through lunch hour, Manhoorie nudged me with her elbow on my side. I ignored her but then she shoved me off my chair. I toppled over doing a 180 flip and landing face first into the ground.

I stood up, ready to strangle her until she begs for death but then i looked towards what she was staring at behind me. Standing by the cafeteria doors, with a murderous look, was Cheezy...

Oops i forgot about her... 

She spotted me and marched towards us, she stopped right in front of me and before she could say anything, i panicked and took out the smoke bomb from my pocket and threw it on the floor.

Nothing happened. You know why? Because that wasn't a smoke bomb.... it was a juice box. An empty juice box. -.-

I threw it on the floor and all it did was bounce off and hit Cheezy's shoes.

Stuped juice box!!! 

I looked at her and she still had that unfazed murderous look....


I turned around and dashed for the doors on the other side of the cafeteria. Cheezy chased me out of the cafeteria and down the hallway.

ugh I hate running =.=

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