Sorry Miss Kaufaurht

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"OK CLASS, ROLL CALL!!", my teacher barked out. This basically means,"SHUT UP YOU STUPED RETARDS!!"

Well actually, she has a really high pitched voice so i wouldn't say "barked out", it's more like "squeaked out" :P xD xD xD

At that thought i burst out laughing, obviously looking like a retard, laughing for absolutely no reason.

"Merpina Derpson! Would you like to share your thoughts to the class?" 

Actually, yes i would, you sound like an annoying chipmunk c: 

"No Miss Kaufaurht" 

"So sit quietly," she glared at me. I tried not to laugh, I probably looked like i was constipated. Nobody can take her seriously with that voice of hers.

Beside me, Manhoorie was silently laughing her ass off. She was holding a large book in front of her to hide herself, but you could see her shoulders shaking, oh and u can hear weird noises that sound similarly like a sad puppy....... not to mention that the book she was holding was UPSIDE DOWN!!


"Miss Jamale! I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour!"

She immediately sobered up, "S-sorry Miss Cow Fart." Realizing what she just said, her eyes widened and she looked towards me.


Miss Kaufaurht was mortified, her face expression was a mix of embarrassment, anger and hate. At any moment she could explode.


And that's when we couldn't take it any more....



Yes, we were out of control. So that's how we ended up in the...... Principal's office? NOPE we ended up in the nurse's office because apparently laughing can give you really bad stomach cramps. But there's no doubt that we're gonna get detention....

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