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It started with a sore throat, then a runny nose and occasional colds.

At first, Cairo brushed it off because it was just due to the changing weather from summer to rainy season.

It might had been just his allergies.

However, the fever came, along with difficulty breathing.

Cairo's parents started to get worried.

"Should we bring him already to the hospital," Mama Luz De Dios asked her husband.

"But it's a dangerous time to go to hospitals..." Cairo's dad trailed off.

"What if it's Covid?" his mother wrung her hands.

"I'm fine, Ma. I think I just need lots of--ahooh, ahem--rest," Cairo coughed.

"No, you're not fine, anak, but please do rest a lot. Can you tell your school to take a leave from your online classes?"

"No need, I'll just take a lot of rest this--huuh wheeze-- this weekend."

"I'll contact any of my batchmates who are doctors," dad Vicario De Dios said.

"Yes, hon, please," Mama Luz pleaded.


Cairo's father was able to contact one of his batchmates who was a doctor.

They were able to consult Doctor Ínez Paitan online. She diagnosed that Cairo indeed had Covid.

Cairo was quarantined in his room. He already told their school principal about the situation and took a leave.


Cairo was isolated in his room.

A few days later, his stomach was in pain due to diarrhea. He could not eat well because of it.

Then, he started to lose his sense of smell and taste, which all the more hindered him from eating well.

Cairo could feel the pain all over his body--his lungs, back, chest, abdomen, and head.

He felt so tired, weak, and sore.

Usually, he would just sleep the entire time, while sometimes browsed online on his phone.

But he felt withdrawn from the world, he would never react on any posts or reply to anyone's messages.

Well, except for Lyra's, who messaged him:

"Hi, Cai! Long time no see or hear. We've started to miss you in our video calls. How are you? Is everyone all right?"

To which he replied: "Hi, Ly. Yeah thanks, I'm fine, just super busy with work these weeks."

And he went offline.

He did not want to tell Lyra because he did not want her to worry about him.

Also, he felt like he was weakening each day, as if he was close to dying.

He did not want her to worry, so he wouldn't tell, he decided.


However, after two days, Lyra called him.

"Uhm, hello Cai? I just want to tell you something..."

"Go ahead," Cairo spoke softly.

"I love you Cai..."

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