Gremlin castle

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Also let's welcome one more new friend!

Rix, Complicated and chaotic person.
-Miss confidence, we love that confidence
-Have a lots of assignment left, but lol who gaf
-Have a complicated language, you might get a stroke while reading their message
-Are highkey chaotic and loud yet still more intelligent than rice and shine combined
-Procrastinating isnt a hobby, its a job.
-done with life, they wanna go yeet themself


Isa: I'm happy Rix feels comfortable enough to sleep around us

Nyxie: She looks so peaceful

Shine and Rice getting out their black markers: and vulnerable



Rix: if you found out that you only had one day left to live, what would you do with it?

Shine: say goodbye and mend my relationships

Lia: something very illegal

Nyxie: accept my fate..

Rice: I would message ten people saying that if they dont forward this message to ten other, i will die tomorrow

Shine: Thats fucking awesome, can i change my answer?


Shine enterring the room: Hi guys, whats up why are yalls standing up on the chairs



Cyril: we are playing a game called "we just saw a cockroach but now its not there anymore"


Shine [quickly gets up on the nearest chair]: What have i got myself into


Rix: chew chew chew chew chewing-

Lia: you better shut before i ch ch ch choke you

Rix: yes mami


Isa [sighing lookin at Rice]: You need to stop doing weird things

Rice: i went to the park today

Isa: i hope you got something out of that

Rice: yes! :D

Rice [unziping their jacket]: I got a duck!


Lia: What's worse than a heartbreak

Rix: when you wake up in the morning and you realize your phone wasnt charging

Angel: when you wake up in the morning

Cyril: when you wake up


Cyril: I'll have the 20 piece mc nuggets with fries, what the fuck do you want, nyxie?

Nyxie: you

Cyril: ok so there are cops behind us, hurry the fuck up


Lia: why do my hands get cold but not the rest of me

Shine: It's the way body regulates blood and the temperature..

Cyril: Ghosts are holding your hands


Lia: i fucking knew it. Ghosts are romantic


Cyril: Shine died of natural causes

Rix: But you pushed her off the roof-



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