I Slept With Lizzie

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It feels weird to call them my moms. Maybe I just need time to let it sink in, but they're so young, and I'm not used to calling anyone my mom. The troll from the orphanage - she used to berate us, hurt us, call my sisters and me by any name but our own. Sisters by choice. She does it for money, not out of love. This bond that I have with the Olsen sisters is already stronger.

"Do you remember what we put on the chicken?" Lizzie said.

"Just red pepper, parsley, oregano... some lemon?" Ashley told her. "I didn't put anything crazy on. Hey, doesn't this seem kind of weird? I mean, I've never heard any hospital doing this."

The three of us shrugged.

"I'm not allergic to any of those. I think." There's no way I'm allergic to herbs. That's just weak.

Dr. Levinson came back in. "Sorry I had to step away. Some boy came in with a spoon glued inside his mouth. Dumb kid. Have we finished the sheet yet?"

I nodded my head and handed it to him.

He thanked me, and Lizzie asked him about my colorblindness.

"I can recommend you to one of my friends at the ophthalmology office downtown. He can get you professionally diagnosed. Just call his office and make an appointment. You might want to call soon because his schedule is almost always full. Now, let me take back the clipboard and I'll put it in the records. We should move you up to another doctor to get your allergy tests completed. I wouldn't want to keep you all down here in the ER for much longer." He handed Ashley the card of his friend and said he would contact one of the doctors in the main part of the hospital upstairs. For now, we could go home.

The car ride was pretty silent the whole way home. Home... so strange to call that place home already. It's only been a few hours. The ride was a little awkward, considering it was my first night at the apartment and I already had to go to the ER.

We arrived to the apartment. When I stepped out of the elevator, the sunlight warmed my face like a microwave. I was the hot pocket, incased in heat, making me warm on the inside and golden on the outside.

"You're probably pretty tired," Lizzie said to me.

"Yeah. I am," responded Mary-Kate, who I just remembered went to bed early to be well-rested for her appointments early in the morning.

"Hey, it's not her fault!" Lizzie said. "She got sick! We cooked the food! And plus, it's not like you had to come!"

"I bet Dad said the EXACT SAME THING when they found out Mom was pregnant with YOU." Mary-Kate said, as she chuckled with Ashley, bumping elbows with each other.

Lizzie glared at them. "Crackhead. You LITERAL CRACKHEAD." She held my wrist and guided me the family room. She sat me down on the sofa.

"It's just- they're tired. They're always busy with meetings and planning, shows and events, you know? They're not like other girls."

I guess I looked worried because she hugged me. That was a fat uwu moment.

"I get it. I just don't want to make them upset. I've only been here for like less than a day I feel like I've destroyed your family already." My eyesight became blurry again, but this time it wasn't because I felt deathly ill.

"Stop that! It's our family... and you're not doing anything wrong. Trust me." There was a pause. "Now, I bet you want to relax. Do you want to go to bed?"

"Uh... I don't know." I looked at the TV. "Can we watch something? Though, I don't really know what's good." We weren't allowed to watch TV at my old place.

"It's a little early for TV... but I guess we can. You can pick!"

She turned on the TV and let me scroll through with the remote. "Ooh, this looks interesting. The Parent Trap? Is this one good?"

"Oh... I wouldn't watch that one. It's a little long for right now."

"Okay. What about Pinocchio?"

She agreed. We grabbed a blanket from the closet that I had almost thrown up in, and we sat back down. Soon enough, we fell asleep, wrapped up like one really tight cheesy enchilada.


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