Unexpected Consequences

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Time: 6 hours and 55 minutes, 5 minutes before invasion

Alpha kept running after the last Terrorist. He was fast but Alpha was faster. He eventually tackled him to the ground.

Alpha: Where's the bomb?

Terrorist: I don't know, I swear!

Alpha: hmm, so it's gonna be like that huh?

Alpha then got shot from behind, damaging his armor. He grabbed out his AKM and returned fire, seeking cover behind a box. Reloading his rifle, he looks over the box to see the 2 Terrorists running below a highway bridge. As he was about to give chase, a large screech was heard.

Looking up into the sky, Alpha witnessed something he never thought he'd see. A large blue vortex glows brightly at an angle pointed near him. A pod then launches out and turns mid-air towards the bridge, crashing straight through the bridge. Alpha was launched back by the explosion, sending him into the nearby warehouse.

Time: 8 hours, 1 hour after invasion.

Alpha eventually got up, seeing tons of scaffolding and beams scattered all around him. Making his way out of the warehouse, he comes face to face with the bridge. He holds his AKM tightly as he walking around the pipes, beams, and various debris under the bridge.

He then comes across the pod that had dropped from the sky. It was empty, it looked otherworldly in design. Alpha turned away to leave, but 2 figures blocked his exit. They were both at least 6'8, putting them around his height. They both were covered in metal with round white Pistols trained on him. Their helmets looked like pentagons from his angle, it was split down the middle with 3 yellow dots on either side of their helmets.

Alpha held up his AKM-13 to the 2 targets, then the fired. Instinctively he jumped out of the way, but they hadn't fired bullets, instead orange lasers shot out, tearing through the pod while leaving behind burn marks.

Alpha began firing at them as their armor glowed a bright blue before turning a shade of red as he put more lead into their armor. They fired back at him while taking cover.

Alpha grabbed his M1911 and shot one in the head, killing it. He then fired a few rounds at the other one, killing it too.

Standing up, Alpha walked over to the 2 corpses to get a better look at them. Turning one over, he saw a disk attached to the back of their armor. He grabbed the disk to his own back as his body began to glow orange before going to red, then to purple, and then stopping at blue before fading away.

Alpha then grabbed one of there laser pistols and walked off back into the city.

Alpha: This is Alpha Commando, does anybody read me?

All he heard was static on the other end, was there a radio jammer? Or did those creatures get to them too?

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