Unwary Discipline

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So guys, we made it, this is the last part. Sometime I'll revise the story using the new writing techniques my ELA teacher has taught me. Hope you enjoy!

9 hours and 47 minutes, 1 month after invasion.

Alpha, Omega, and Michael traversed the sewer for 30 minutes until they finally came across an exit. Making to the other side, they weren't very happy to see that 2 of the AA-Guns had fallen and all of the alien ships were up. The large ship they were in before seems to have lowered down closer to the other ships, presumably because it can barely sustain itself after they destroyed something that was definitely important.

Alpha ran over to one of the nearby towers and got on the radio.

Alpha: Hello, can anyone hear me? This is Alpha of the Super Commando First Division, does anyone copy?

Woman: We hear you Alpha, what's your status?

Alpha: The large ship in the middle is weak, it's Shields are down. It is very important that you take it out immediately!

Woman: Copy that, we have someone in one of the AA-Guns right now and we will tell them what to do.

Alpha: Copy, Alpha out.

Alpha looked back to Michael and Omega who were standing next to him. They watched as all of the AA-Guns began targeting the large ship, causing it to fall into the other ships.

But to their dismay, it crashed into one of the AA-Guns. It tried to fly up but it couldn't lift and was now dragging along the beach at a high-speed towards the AA-Gun infront of them. Alpha caught a glimpse of a tall figure exiting the side of the AA-Gun on the catwalk before being swept away with the rest of the AA-Gun.

Alpha grabbed both of them and jumped off the tower before running with them on his back as shrapnel began shooting towards them at high speeds. They dropped down into cover just before a wave of shrapnel came over the ridge above them.

Once the shrapnel stopped, they looked over the ridge to see only 2 ships left in the sky. Both ships angled themselves up as a portal appeared before they shot in, closing the portal behind them.

They did it, they fought them back, or at least on this front. The two watched as a Class-9 Military Helicopter came overhead before stopping. The side-door opened to reveal a Marine.

Marine: Come on you 3, the commander wants to ask about your survival and where you all went.

The trio jumped into the helicopter and watched as many other helicopters land down on the ground.

Omega: God damn, that was one hell of a journey.

Michael: Yeah, also Alpha you owe me two-

Michael paused and everyone looked at Alpha. Alpha starred in confusion and looking down at himself. A bunch of what looked like glitches started appearing on his body as he felt himself get stretched. As he looked up, he vanished.

Alpha opened his eyes to be met by a dark void. Everything around him was pitch-black, all except for a figure. It had that same form of glitch that covered him but this time covering it's whole body.

~}□¿: Hello Daniel...

The figure spoke in a distorted voice that sounded like millions of other voices combined into one.

Alpha: Who are you, how do you know my name?

~}□¿: I? Who I am does not matter, all you have to know is that I have been watching you for a very long time...

Alpha: What do you mean? And what is this place?

~}□¿: You are in a place beyond your Universe... I brought you here... I have been here for Eons watching you humans meddle about, but then you came along...

Alpha: ... What are you?

~}□¿: What I am matters not... Now... I have been trapped here for so long and I wish to no longer be here... That is why I need your help...

Alpha: Wait, hold on. If you teleported me here, then why can't you just teleport away?

~}□¿: I am being held down by multiple singularities... I cannot leave... I haven't even brought you too my true location because then you would be trapped here forever...

Alpha: But what can I even do? As a matter of fact, why should I help you?

~}□¿: I am a being of endless possibility... Once I am free from these singularities I can grant anything that you desire... Such as the guaranteed safety of the humans...

Alpha: But... we fought the aliens back.

~}□¿: That was a small army compared to what they have... And now they have all the information they need to get rid of you...

The figure then stepped back into the darkness and left Alpha in the dark.

~}□¿: When you've made your decision... yell out to me...

Hey guys, you've made it to the end! As for the series, I will begin work on Episode 2 in a few months. Part 2 won't explain everything und there's a reason why. I actually want to turn this into a game some day so yeah, anyway, goodbye.

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