3 Parasites

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Time: 4 hours, 21 hours after invasion.

Michael slowly began to open his eyes. Alpha was crouched in front of him, putting a finger over his mask. Footsteps could be heard as well as some talking. It sounded like a mix of bug sounds put into a language.

There was an explosion that came out of no-where as the room collapsed, throwing Alpha and Michael to the bottom of the new slope that was the floor that landed them in the now destroyed lobby.

Michael: SHIT!

The duo got up behind the counter and started shooting. Waves of aliens came through as Michael popped a grenade and threw it at the oncoming horde. Then a much larger brute of an alien came through, holding a large gun. Alpha ducked as a gush of fire sprayed onto the wall.

Alpha ran out of ammo. All he had left was the blaster used by the aliens. He looked for any sort of button, switch or panel on the gun. A button was on the side of the gun, and pointing it at the brute, he pressed it.

Lasers fired from the gun as he continueiously taps the button. The brute then yelled before spraying more fire into his direction, to which Michael sprang up and fired a shotgun shell straight into his chest knocking him to the ground.

This was followed up by a grenade from Alpha, blowing the brute to pieces.

The duo sat down, breathing heavily.

Michael: That's really something huh? Can't believe we just survived that. OW my fucking head!

Alpha: I think you have a concussion.

Michael: No shit.

Alpha: Let's move, it's not safe here.

The two walked across the parking lot and the streets, moving through alleyways. Eventually they came across some sort of large canister surrounded by a green fog. Corpses were littered across the ground.

Michael: What the fuck happened here?

They both continued past the fog and into a street, this one however, had 3 figures on the other side of the road.

Alpha: Hello?


Alpha: Are you okay?

The 3 figures began walking towards them but the way they walk suggested pain.

One of the figures then began to move faster, soon followed up by the other 2. As they got closer, and the light from the street lamps shines are their faces revealing grey, pulsating skin with yellow eyes and practically non-existant teeth. A green fog came out of there spores.

Michael: What the hell?!

The closet one took a swing at Alpha, but missed. Alpha raised his pistol. He shot at the creature but it didn't go down, so he shot it again and again until it finally went down.

Michael grabbed his AKM-13 and shot at the creatures. The duo mowed down the creatures.

Michael: Okay this is some zombie shit right here.

Alpha looked over to a truck missing its doors. As he peered in to look for anything useful, he was surprised to find the keys in the ignition.

Alpha: Here, hop in the back. This get can get us out of the city.

Michael got in the truck bed as Alpha started the truck.

They drived along the city roads. as they were driving they noticed more canisters leaking the green fog. But as Alpha looked along the buildings he spotted 2 Aliens on the roof of a nearby building who then jumped onto the top of the car. These Aliens were more lean and slim and moved with purpose.

Michael raised his gun and fired at the first Alien who dodged the rounds and knocked the gun off the bed. Meanwhile the other Alien grabbed Alpha by the arm to which he waved his arm, sending the Alien off balance as they held on desperately to the car rim.

Michael attempted hand-to-hand combat but that only resulted in him getting pinned to the car bed as they Alien grabbed out a knife.

The other Alien managed to grab onto Alpha's arm and began to pull him out of the driver's seat. Alpha kicked the Alien off the truck and left it behind on the streets.

The Alien on top of Michael pressed a button on their knife, making it pulse with energy as Michael held the hand away as it slowly pushed the knife towards him.

Alpha looked in the rear view mirror and pointed his M1911A2 through the broken window and shot the Alien in the back, giving Michael the chance to kick it off the back of the truck.

Michael: I owe you one.

As Alpha began on driving across a bridge a missile came out of the sky and hit the middle of the bridge.

Alpha put on the breaks while debris pushed past them. One of the shrapnel pieces hit the tire, causing them to start spinning. Michael fell off the back, hitting a car.

As Alpha neared the gaping hole, he jumped out rolling at a fast pace before grabbing onto a piece of rebar sticking out of the rim of the hole. The car trampled over head straight into the water.

As Alpha climbed up, a group of Aliens began running up to them. The duo put up there hands before the guards nocked them out.

Welp, we're now about half-way through the story fokes, but that doesn't mean the entire story is over...

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