Rescue Operatives

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Time: 6 hours, 5 weeks after invasion.

Alpha and Michael sat down in their cell. They were changed men. These aliens would take the people they see as useless and harvest their brain matter for intelligence.

Once they could understand humans, they began torturing them. Interrogating them. Finding anyway to make them crack.

Michael and Alpha were one of the two unlucky some of a bitches that they saw as useful. They would take this drug everyday that lowered their senses to make them weaker than ever.

As they sat down in there cell, unknown to what time it is or how long has passed, an old friend infiltrated the ship.

Omega: God dammit, where is that fucker.

As Omega made her way through the cell block, she eventually caught sight of the them.

Omega: Alpha! Jesus Christ!

Omega began to disrupt the energy shield door for it to open. Once it was open she ran over to Alpha.

Omega: Alpha, come on we have to get out of here!

Alpha didn't budge, or even look up. Omega grabbed the sides of his helmet and lifted his face up to look at her.

Alpha: ...Omega....?

Omega: Yes, it's me! What in the fuck did they do to you?

Alpha: ......lights..figures...voices....

Omega: Snap out of it, we need to go.

Alpha struggled to get up, before turning and picking Michael up.

Michael: I already had my 6th interrogation today, I don't got another...

Alpha: Michael.. we're leaving....

It took Michael a minute to process that, escape? Right now?

Omega: Here, take this Alpha.

Omega then threw an old PPsh-41 to Alpha, which he barely caught. She then handed a P230 pistol to Michael.

Omega: Now come on, we need to get out of here before they find us.

Alpha and Michael slugged along as Omega lead the way towards the hangar.

Omega: Alright, the hangar should be a few corridors ahead.

As they rounded the next corner, the alarm went off. One of those insect-like voices spoke over the intercom.

Omega: Shit! I think they know you guys escaped now, we have to get out of here now!

Alpha and Michael began to pick up the pace as their senses slowly came back to them. Once they got to the hangar, they saw it was guarded with multiple floors full of guards. One of them pointed and screeched at them.


The trio ran as fast as they could, rounding corner after corner. Eventually they were face-to-face with a blockade in the hallway. Lasers flew by them as they rounded another corner.

Omega: Why can't it ever be simple? Come on guys, we have to keep going, considering the size and shape of this ship, I wouldn't be surprised if they had at least 3 versions of every room.

Around the next corner, they were met by a door.

Omega: Alright Omega, you've hacked a shield door before, now you have to go back to old-fashion.

Michael: C-Can we move a bit faster?

Omega: Don't rush me, I'm almost done... I think.

A few seconds later, footsteps could be heard approaching. Alpha and Michael prepared for a heavy push, only for Omega to grab the duo by their collars and pull them inside the room. Alpha looked at his surroundings.

Omega: This must be where they store the items of their prisoners. Stack up guys, we might not get another chance like this.

Alpha grabbed his AKM-13 and his trusty M1911A2, as well as a double barrel shotgun.

Michael: Alright, I'm ready. What's the plan?

Omega: One thing I do know about this ship is that there's a hangar on the other side of the ship, but that has to be at least a mile away from our current position.

Alpha: So another suicide mission?

Omega: Well with a ship this big, they're bound to have some transport method around the ship, all we have to do is find it.

Alpha nodded his head and the trio exited the room through the secondary door.

They ran through the halls, killing anything that gets in their way. They passed by unreadable sign after unreadable sign.

Eventually they came to another door which Omega hacked open like the last one. The sight before them was mesmerising.

They were inside a large silo going from the bottom all the way to the top of the ship. In the center -- just a few floors above them -- a large ball of energy was concealed by glass held up by pipes, wires, and tubes that stretched all across the large space. Multiple catwalks encircled the core.

Omega: That looks important.

The trio looked at a monitor that showed layers of the ship, with this being somewhere towards the back. It showed a circle pushed out from the core and outside of the ship, stopping once it made an outline of it.

Omega: This could be one of 3 things, all of them important. One, this could be a radar. Two, a radio/comunications tower. Or three, a shield generator. Either way it's important to them, we have to take it out.

Michael looked to one of the thick wires hanging above him.

Michael: Maybe we can take these out to stop it.

Omega grabbed out a combat knife and cut the wire. Immediately the ship went into full alert.

Omega: There's no way they don't know where we are anymore, we have to move quick!

The trio began cutting and shooting all of the wires down, making the orb in the center go from a yellowish-green hue to an orange one.

Soon guards began flooding the catwalks as Alpha put his attention onto the soldiers.

Alpha: Omega, help me take out these guys, would ya'?

Omega nodded as the duo began shooting wave after wave of soldiers, even the ones above. Eventually, the orb began to slant downwards as it's supports were broken.

Michael noticed a small opening above the orb as it slanted down. It was small, but it looked big enough to put a grenade into it.

He popped the grenade, and barely, just barely landed the grenade into the hole.

Michael: RUN!!!

The trio ran through the next door, pushing back the guards in the way and getting as far away as they could. The entire ship shook as the orb blew up, sending a massive Shockwave throughout the ship, damaging more and more systems to the point where not even the lights were flashing above.

Omega: We need to get out of here now, I think we just took out most of their systems!

The trio ran and ran and ran until they came across a long hallway with doors lining the sides

Omega: These must be the escape pods, come on!

And with that, the team launched out of the ship, as to where they ended up? You'll just have to wait to find out.

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