Chapter 43

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 WHEN I TURNED AT Delaware Avenue, I flipped my lights off. There were no streetlights, so I could keep to the shadows. Drawing next to the curb, I parked. I would hoof it from here.

Number 1123 was second from the last home—I could tell from the blue Dumpster sitting in its yard, filled with beams and junk from the renovation. It was two stories and didn’t have any lights on. I spied one on the porch that might have a security sensor and decided to go in from the back.

I’d have the element of surprise, but I’d need more than that. I took my gun from my purse. It fit comfortably in my hands. Sliding out the clip, I checked it and made sure it was full. And then I put ten more bullets in my pocket and tossed the box of shells on the front seat. Unless there was an army in the house, that should do the trick.

I drew in a breath. This was it. I could either wait for the police or go on alone. If I went in, did I have what it took to finish the job?

I glanced at my phone. It blinked the time, constantly growing shorter. 14:01. 14:00. 13:59. 13:58. I snapped the clip in the gun and released the safety. Angela’s face was in my mind. I couldn’t wait another second.

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