Hanging in a Tree

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Arya's POV

I shot up to the sound of alarm clocks ringing in my room.  I heard someone trying to laugh quietly in the background, but was failing miserable.  I randomly glance at one of the hundreds of clocks that were in my room.  My eyes widen with shock.  It's fucking ONE IN THE MORNING!!!!!!! "WHO IN THE HELL WOKE MY UP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I roared with anger.  I looked over to the area from where I'd heard laughing from.  I growl as I get up and walk over to the corner.  I see Louis trying his best not to laugh at me. "Run."  Was all that I said before I felt my blood begin to churn.  I try to keep it in control.  Louis had seen and heard the seriousness that I had in my voice.  He took my advice and bolted.  I chuckled evilly.  I could feel it's senses taking over my body.  I follow Louis' scent as I walk out of the house.  The second I'm outside, I change into the beast that I try to keep control over everyday.  Revenge is soon the only thing that can cross my mind as I feel the change changing my body.

Louis' POV

I glance back at the monstrous wolf that is chasing me.  HOW IN HELL DID THAT THING COME OUT OF ARYA!?!?!?!?!?!?  She never smelled like a werewolf!!!!!!!!  But then again she never did smell completely like a human either now that I truly think about it.  But when we talked to Zayn and Niall, the said that they never once smelled someone's blood as sweet as her's was.  Nothing about her is adding up now.  During my thoughts, I felt a sudden surge in my body.  My wolf wanted to come out.  SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I internally curse to myself.  I'm running blindly in the woods with a monstrous chasing me and my wolf wants to pop out.  I can't let Arya, even if she can't see me from her wolf thing, see me morph.  It's not a risk that I'm gonna take.  Even thought my body is fit due to exercising my wolf, I can't run this relentless pace for much longer.  The wolf's been chasing me for the past half hour.  I can't keep this up for another five more minutes.  As I struggle to keep on running, the wolf has no problems speeding up.  I can't even hear it panting.  It's like it knows it can run even faster and longer than I ever can.  I don't even think that my wolf has the endurance that the monster wolf has.  My muscles are trembling so much that I can't even run in a straight line anymore.  I trip over a root of a tree that had decided to stretch it's knotted, gnarly fingers towards the surface.  I lay there panting as the wolf stalks up to me moving so quietly that you would think that you were alone, but I knew better.  It's foot steps were gently placed as it stalked forward.  It move so quietly when it wasn't running.  I felt the hairs of my back stand up as two gleaming fangs emerge from the dark, gloomy forest that surrounded me.  It's head was as long as a two year old child.  Two jet black eyes followed the muzzle that had crept out.  It's eyes were full of hate and anger.  It was pissed off.  There is no softer description than it's was pissed off.  It's fur looked blue with the moonlight shining down on it.  It's chest was ripped with muscle.  There was no sign of weakness that the beast might contain.  Power flowed from the wolf into the air.  It looked noble and regal as it strode towards me.  With each step to took closer to me, my head seemed to spin.  The woods were spinning when it got about five feet away from me.  A sudden drowsiness fell over me.  Sleep consumed my body when a blue furry muzzle was more or less a foot away from mine.  How did I get here????  I ask myself before my eyes close.

-------At 10 AM later that day-------

I rub my eyes with a yawn.  It's so bright outside.  WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'M OUTSIDE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I strungled to remember what I'd been doing this morning or yesterday whenever it was that made me get outside.  I stretched my stiff muscles until I felt myself move.  I looked and around and then I froze.  I was in one of the tallest trees in some sort of woodland area that wasn't any where close to the boy's and mine new home.  The tree was easily over 200 feet tall.  I was near the top but not to close to the top.  The tree started to sway with a breeze that was moving by.  I look up at the sky and then fear stabbed my heart.  There's gonna be one hell of a storm coming.  I think to myself self as I my body begins to shake with fear.  I stare at the black-gray clouds as it moves slowly across the darkening sky.

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