I know what you are...

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Valerie's POV

After I'd rinsed the mud and the tracks off of the ground, I went back inside to change.  After I changed, headed into the kitchen quietly to grab some breakfast before telling the boys.  I had to double check that it was one of the boys before I told them.  If one of the boys are missing, then I have to tell them before who ever had been chased away tells them something.  I grab a banana that was hanging from the ceiling and yes the ceiling.  Arya's mother enjoys hanging that fruit from the ceiling.  Neither of us know why she does that, but she apparently does that.  As I munch on my banana, I try to think of ways how to tell them about Arya's little condition.  She may be a werewolf herself, but neither of us knows or has any ideas on how to control it yet.  Maybe Liam, Louis, or Harry could help us find a way how to control it.  I can't go over there and just tell them straight out what she is.  I mean they just might go off on me.  I really don't want to see another pissed off werewolf pissed off at me.  Seeing one pissed off Arya is enough, but seeing three pissed off werewolves all at the same time is a no go for me.  Just like one of those idiotic neighbors decided to wake Arya up in the middle of the night making her beast come out.  They were luck that she didn't turn inside of the house.  It would've been much more obvious that something had happened if she changed inside.  But anyways who out of all of the boys would do something that stupid.  It had to have been Louis.  Last night he just scream right after I told everyone a small part of my first encounter with the beast.  If it wasn't him, then I'm secretly a monkey whose mother was wolf and father was a moose and my grandmother was a tiger.  I was trapped in my thoughts that were rolling around my head for maybe about ten minutes or so after I finished eating my banana.


I suddenly jumped out of my thoughts and was thrown back into reality.  I glanced over at Arya worriedly.  I signed in relief.  She hadn't woken up.  I walk over to the door and open it.  Liam stood there looking worried.

"Hey Liam.  What's wrong?  You look worried."  I ask him stating the obvious.  Acting dumb to him because he doesn't know that I know exactly what had happened.

"Have you seen Louis?"

"Louis???  Is he missing or something???" I ask him acting curious and taken back at the same time.

"Yeah we haven't seen him since like mid-" He freezes in mid-sentence when he looks behind and sees the muddy floor. "What happened here?" He asks as he pushes his self past me ever though I was trying to not let him come in.  He gasped when he saw Arya sleeping the couch.  I cursed myself as he whipped around to question me.  Before he could say a word, I beat him.

"I know what all of you are Liam." I say with my face turning serious.  A look of horror crept in to his face.  His skin lost its color rapidly as he turned pale.

"H-how did you find out?" He asked me shakily, breathing heavily.

"It's what I am.  I know what I am.  Arya is one too, but she's different in a way.  She doesn't know it yet though." I tell him truthful.  I haven't talked to anyone else outside of Arya's family about it.  Liam's the first one that I've ever told.  He has a secret that he has to hide.  I trust that he can mine as well.

"B-but..." He stutters before I cut him off.

"Louis somewhere out in the forest Liam.  I have to tell you and the others something before we try to look for him." I tell him with a straight face.  He searches my face with his light brown eyes for something that might tell him whats goes on, but my face doesn't betray anything.  He signs and leads the way to their home.  I follow him silently.


Now I'm on my brother's laptop typing this up just for you guys.  Thank you for continuing to read this and that's really it.  I don't have very much to say today so bye.  OH!!!!!!  I'll try to post up the next part on either Saturday or Sunday.


                              Zayn       <3

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