My wolf

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Arya's POV


"THAT'S MY MOTHER YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as I leap off the couch blindly trying to get to the kitchen.  I tripped over some blankets.  Louis!!!!!!!!!!  His name suddenly hits my mind as I fall onto to something.  Something hard and firm.  I bang my head against some part of the thing-a-ma-bob-er.  Then my head slides into a curve or a bend of the thing-a-ma-bob-er.  It's a neck!!!!!  I realize suddenly.  I peek through the thick blankets that followed me during the clumsy fall that I took.  As I peeked through the blankets, I wondered who was the unlucky person was who I fell on.  A pair of mocha eyes meet mine sending shivers down my spine.

"Interesting plan of attack there." Zayn comments dryly.  I glare at him.

"Not funny Zayn.  So not funny." I growl.  He looked taken back and shocked when he heard all of the venom in my voice.

"Arya please.  Not now.  We need to find Louis.  It's already starting to storm out there." Valerie pleads from behind me.  Regret pools my body.  It's coming from be the beast and I.  It's rare that we both agree on something.  This is one of the few times that we both agree on the same thing.  I push myself off of Zayn.  I struggle to push back the tears that want to seep out of my eyes.  A single tear emreges from my eye.  I look up at Valerie and whimper.

"I didn't mean to.  It just happened.  I mean he....." My voice fades away as more tears follow that first single tear.  I curl up into a ball.  I feel someone wrap strong arms around me.  I put my head into the person's chest of who ever wrapped their arms around me.  I sob silently against his chest.  I could it was a he because of the toned chest that was holding me.

"Arya." Zayn's voice boomed from beside me.  I look up to his face from apparently his chest. "We need to find Louis.  Please us where he is." He asked me, with his entire body begging me.  I glance around the room to see who we were.  The other boys were there.  All five of them were here along with Valerie.  Everyone was silent.  They were staring at me.  Harry's stare was more like a glare.  Zayn pulled me closer to him when he saw what I staring at.

"He's far away." I say as I look back up to Zayn. "When it happened to Valerie, I didn't remember where she was.  I need to find a way how to get back to my beast.  Without loosing control of who I am.  That's the quickest way we can get to him."  A thought suddenly strikes my head.  Well, now two thoughts. "Valerie?" I ask her with my voice quiet and low.

"Yes Arya?" She asks with her eyes and face soft.

"Did you tell them?  Do they.......know???"

"Yes.  I'm sorry Arya.  I didn't mean to betray your family's trust.  But what else was there to do?  Let Louis drive them crazy about some monstrous wolf that chased him through the woods?  Or to let them go crazy about Louis' disappearance and then he suddenly appears out of now where?" She says sincerely.  I laugh at the mental image of Louis driving the boys crazy.

"It's okay Valerie.  And one more thing?"

"Yes.  Ask a way."

"Do I feel like sort of like any of the boys here???" I ask her. "I've been thinking about it.  You are the only person that I know that can sense what I am.  I need you to tell me.  Do I feel like any of the boys?" I ask her.  She freezes at my question.  Everyone in the room tenses up.

"Y-you feel kinda of like them, but not exactly like them.  Your feeling is special, different.  It's like you affect the world around you and it affects you." Valerie stutters out in the beginning.

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