LOUIS!!!!!! ARYA!!!!!!!

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Arya's POV

I leaped over a fallen tree.  I heard Liam or Harry stumble behind.  I take a break from my running and I turn around to see who stumbled.  Harry was hanging on the tree panting and shaking from all of the running that we've been doing.  Liam was nuzzling him, trying to coax him into getting back up.  Liam was panting too, but he was struggling not to show it.

Can we *wheeze* take a *wheeze* break? Harry pants.

But Harry I thought you were just so anxious to find- Liam started to say before Harry cut him off.

I'm too tired to even think about looking for Louis Liam.  I need to rest. Harry says finalizing the fact that he was gonna rest no matter what we did.  Liam signed.

Well...can you just move off of the tree so the way we can keep each other?  Liam begged to Harry

That I can do.  Harry said.  He struggled to get up.  He was breathing heavily as he merely moved over the fallen tree.

Arya, I'm so sorry.  We need to find Louis but we can't because of Harry.  I'm sorry for making you go out in this storm. Liam apologizes to me.

Your struggles weren't in vain guys.  We have actually arrived.  I know because I stalked Louis a few meters away from that fallen tree.  I encourage them.  They were suddenly more alert and had more energy.

Then where is Louis?  Why can't we see him?  Liam asked me curiously.

Because he's over a hundred feet above ground.  He's tied to that tree.  You guys stay here and rest.  I'll go and get Louis.  It's my fault that he's up there.  I'm the one who should get him.  I inform Liam before I change into my human form.  The cold hit me strongly when the change was complete.  I leap into the tree before Liam can do anything about it.  The tree had thorns wrapped around its trunk.  My hands were bleeding heavily as I reached about fifty feet above sea level.  The wind was much more stronger up here.  The blizzard had already cover the ground from my eye sight.  My hands were beginning to freeze when I reached Louis.  He was shaking heavily.  His clothes barely covered his body. "LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout at so that way I can be heard over the wind's howl.  He turns his face towards me slowly.  Snow is covering him.  He's shivering so much that it just might break the ropes. "HOLD ONTO THE TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell to him, hoping that he'll hear me.  He nods with understanding.  As his arms wrap around the tree, I pull with all of my might trying to break the rope.  I couldn't do anything to it.  I felt around my neck trying to look for the knife that my mother gave me.  It's a real knife, not a Swiss army knife.  It's a Whetstonet Chainlink Tactical Folding Pocket Knife.  she got it for telling me to keep it on just in case of emergencies.  If this isn't an emergency, then I don't know what is!  I pull out the necklace that I have the knife hanging on.  I open up the knife and struggle to hold it steady with my right as the wind tries to push it out of my hand.  I put the  blade against and I begin to saw through the rope.  A sudden gust of wind blows the knife out of hand.  I cry out with pain as the knife cuts through my skin as easily as a knife cuts through butter.  The knife is still connected to me because I didn't take it off of the necklace.  More blood is seeping through my arm.  My head begins to feel dizzy with all of the blood loss that I've had.  I struggle to remain in control of myself.  I grab the knife once again finish cutting through the rest of the rope.  Right when the ropes fall off of Louis, the wind's howl increases rapidly.

"WE HAVE TO CLIMB DOWN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ARE YOU ALRIGHT??????  ARYA??????  ARYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ARYA ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis shouts at me.  I blink my eyes a few times.  The world is spinning around me.  I can't keep on fighting the darkness that is wishing to claim my body.  My eyelids a dropping farther and farther down.  I succumb to the darkness.

Liam's POV

I could smell blood.  I could tell it wasn't Louis' blood.  I've smelled it many times before.  It had to have been Arya's blood.  Why did she have to climb up without letting me help her!?!?!?!?  I can't help it now, but I feel like something is going wrong up there.  I look back at the tree, thorns were covering every inch of that tree.  You could see some frozen blood frozen to the thorns.  Soon the smell of blood stopped flowing down from the tree.  Harry who is curled up beside me shivers.  It was getting even colder by the minute.  With Louis and Arya up there, I had no idea how much colder it was up there than down here.  Suddenly, a huge gust of wind that smelled like blood flew past Harry and I.  Someone had gotten hurt up there.  And don't know who it was.  Harry lifted his head as the smell of blood continued to go past us.  It refused to stop.

Liam?  Who do you think got hurt?  Harry asked me.

I honestly don't know Harry.  I'm afraid that it might be Arya.  I don't smell Louis' blood, I smell someone else's blood.  I tell him truthfully

Zayn will have our heads if she gets hurt. Harry comments worriedly. 

There's nothing that we can do about it Harry.  She went up of her own according.  She refused to let you or me help her.  Let's just hope that she isn't hurt too bad.  I sign.  I look back over to the tree.  The smell over blood is even more stronger now than it ever was before.  Two figures are slowly making their way.  I frown in my head.  One of the figures is carrying someone.  Louis' and Arya's scent falls over Harry and I.  When the figure reaches the ground.  He or she collapses.  I run over to them.  Louis' hands were bloody and needed tending.  When I saw Arya, my nearly stopped.  She was covered with blood.  She was still bleeding.  I didn't know for how long she's been bleeding, but I did know one thing.  If we didn't get them home ASAP, they both would certainly die.


THREE PARTS POSTED WITHIN THE LAST TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OVER THREE HUNDRED READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THAT'S TWICE AS MANY AS IT WAS BEFORE I POSTED THE LAST PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU GUYS ARE JUST SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I WILL TRY AND POST SOONER FROM NOW ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I WON'T KEEP YOU GUYS WAITING FOR MUCH LONGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU GUYS ARE JUST SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Okay I'm trying not rant about how FABULOUIS you guys are.  I'm trying to rant less.  But anyways, if you guys see the picture that I'm sure if it will show up, it's Arya knife.  Do you guys think I left a cliff hanger??????  I don't know if I left a cliff hanger or not.  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's all I have for today guys.  I might be able to post another part up late tonight if I work hard enough.  Yeah soooooooooooooooo


                             Zayn      <3

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