Calling a few 'old' friends

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Zayn's POV

I ran a hand through my hair as my thoughts processed what Lisa had told us. Everyone else was in as deep of thought as I was, even Louis.

"So now what?" Amesthyst asked all of us. Everyone looked at her. "If Niall and Arya are with the Rection, then how are we going to get them back?"

"We? What you mean we?" Liam asked her in slight disbelief with a frown. James gave Liam a cocky smile.

"You don't think that we would let you guys out and save Arya and Niall all by yourselves do you? You might of been think that maybe you could call some of your friends over. Well, we want to help too. The more the merrier, right?" James prompts. Liam frown turns into grin.

"Thanks James, even though I didn't ask you. That was just about the exact thing I was thinking about." Liam turns to the rest of the guys and I. "You know about our connections with the higher end of the board." We all nodded.

"I CALL CALLING KATY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry yelps out, calling dibs already. Louis narrows his eyes at Harry who was about to pull out his phone when he realized something. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T HAVE MY PHONE WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LEFT IT BACK AT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry cried out while crumpling to the floor. We all laugh at Harry, with Louis laughing the loudest. Then Louis freezes and looks back at Val.

"Ummmmmm Val?" Louis asks her.

"Yeah Louis?" Val asks him.

"You have the key to your house right?"

"Why wouldn't I?" She asks him curiously. His question aroused my suspion. Louis shifted uncomfortable under all of the attention, which he never does. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Louis? Did you take my phone?" I ask him. He doesn't answer.

"And mine?" Liam understands what I'm up to. He doesn't answer again.

"Mine too?" Harry asks Louis with his eyes narrowed. Louis looks down to his empty wrist.

"Well. Look at the time. I gotta go before I die. Bye everyone." Louis says before he leaps up and dashes out the door.

"LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The three of us roar as we all leap up simultaneously and we chase after Louis. Louis dashed into the forest. I focused on his scent as he disappeared from sight. I speed ahead of the others and grabbed a hold of Louis' arm and flicked him easily into a tree as the others caught up to us. Liam went in front of Harry and I in order to question him.

"Why did you take our phones?" Liam asked him calmly.

"The reason why all of this happened. The prank." Louis says while waving his hand around. I forced my way through my memories in order to remember this. It's felt like ages since we were last at the home we bought in order to have a life as normal as possible with our....................special problems. I glance over at Liam for a second to see his face dark. I think for a moment about what to tell him to cheer him up. Because in his mind it's his fault that we're in all of this.

"Liam." I say curtly, causing the three of them to look at me. "This isn't only your fault."

"Them tell me how it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liam cries out. "If I hadn't let Louis try to play a prank on Arya, then none of this would've happened!!!!!"

"It's our fault too!!!!!!!!!!! Louis took our stuff. You know how he's always doing shit like that. Niall, Harry, and I should've realized it sooner that he took our phones and who knowing what other shit of ours he took!!!!!!!!" I took a deep breathe to try and calm down a bit. "It's not only your fault Liam. It's everyone's. It's even Louis' fault for choosing to do this. But then again, it's the kind of thing you'd expect from him."

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