They're all vampires......

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Val's POV

I didn't understand what Zayn and Niall are so worried about.  I stared at them blankly as they started to pace around the room. "Can someone please tell me what's going on????  I'm tired of not knowing stuff because of your super hearing.  I don't know how Harry, Liam, or Louis could stand it.  I can barely stand it for ten minutes." I complain out loud trying to seek their attention.  Zayn remains indifferent, as if I didn't say anything.  Niall on the overhand, pities me and walks over to me.  He crouches down in front of me from where I was sitting cross-legged on the couch.

"Both Liam and Louis have girlfriends.  Both of them are humans.  Daniella and Eleanor know what we all are.  We trust them with our lives and this secret.  But neither of them know about Liam, Louis, or Harry.  I mean it's too soon to even think about anything else, but finding them.  Apparently, both of them are coming out here to our new home for a surprise visit.  Only their boyfriends, Liam and Louis, knew that they were coming out here.  They weren't expecting anything like this to happen.  They couldn't tell Daniella and Eleanor to not come because of something.  They would just get worried and come out here anyways.  They are going to freak out if they find out about the werewolves." Niall explains to me.

"Then why are you guys worrying???  They're heading over here to see you guys anyways.  We'll just tell them when they get here.  They'll want to help us look for them.  Am I right?" I question him.  Zayn finally acknowledges me for the first within the past hour.

He looks over to me and answers, "Daniella and Eleanor are going to pissed off at us when they find out.  True, they're going to want to help us find them, but none of us particularly like Daniella and Eleanor when they're pissed off.  Like Niall told you, they're human, but even some humans have anger issues.  Daniella and Eleanor don't have it as bad as others, but we prefer not to have them angry." He goes back into his silent mode, only pacing around the room without saying a word.  Niall looks over at me and just shrugs.

"That's one way to put." He says.  I stare at him for a moment before I lean my head against the couch and close my eyes as I think about what Zayn and Niall told me. "If you need something, just think it.  I'll hear it." Niall says to me before I hear him stand up straight and walk over to Zayn.  I block everything else from me and focus on their words.

Arya's POV

I sat down on their couch and glanced nervously around the room.  They all seemed normal, but I knew that they weren't.  My thoughts drifted back to when Liam told me what they were.  I did agree with Louis about laying on me a bit too harsh.  I look over to where Louis and Harry are fast asleep on the other couch that the vampires had.  Liam was in another room talking to a vampire who's name is James, I think.  One of the vampires went into the room, the one that was looking all over me.  She stared at me for a second before she came over to me.

"Can you come with me for a few minutes?" She asks me in a soft and soothing voice.  Her dark brown eyes were soft and gentle.  Her near-black hair was up in a pony-tail that still fell slightly over her shoulders.

"Why???" I manage to croak out.

"I'm a doctor at a local hospital.  I was the one who saved your life.  I just want to change your bandages. "She pauses for a moment before she adds on, " That is, if you don't mind." I looked down to see the parts of my body that were bandaged up.  Bleed was starting to seep out from most of them, staining the pure white bandages.  I slowly nod in response to her question.  I stand up slowly and follow her down a hallway and into a small room. "You can sit down on either the medical bed or that chair if you want to.  Give me a minute or two to get some clean bandages, some more gauze, a roll of hospital tape and a new bottle of peroxide." She tells me before she heads over to different parts of the room to look for the stuff that she listed.  I look over to the medical bed and chair that she gestured to.  I walk over to the medical bed and careful sit down on it.  I stared at my hands as I waited for her to come over.  the bandages were slightly torn because of the fact that I'd been using my hands for little things that I did daily.  A pair of hands slowly touched my hands jolting me out of my thoughts.  I looked up to the vampire's face.  She smiled at me before looking back towards me hands.  I looked down at them as she started to unwind the bandages.  There was some dried blood on my hands, but more blood was seeping out of my stitched hands.  She took some dry gauze and mopped up some of the fresher blood.  More blood was beginning to leak out.  She wet some some gauze with peroxide and pressed it gently against my hands.  I hissed in pain as the peroxide stings the wounds on my hands.  She took another piece of gauze and cleaned up the wet blood that had mixed in the peroxide.  She put on two or three new pieces of gauze and then took a roll of bandages and wrapped it around my hand.  She did the same thing to my other hand.  She removed the hospital tape the was on my arm and revealed the horrendous looking wound on my arm.  I flinch as fresh blood just poured out of the large and long wound.  I averted my gaze to anywhere else, but there.  I groan with pain muttering a string of curses under my breath as she cleaned the wound.  The peroxide dribbled down my arm as she removed more of the dried blood.  She turned my arm into a position so that way she could re-tape the wound.  When she finished taping it, I turned to look at my arm.  The pure white tape covered up any sign of the horrendous wound that laid underneath it.  She then tilted my head down  so that way she could clean the cut the was on my forehead.  I closed my eyes to help avoid having the peroxide go into my eyes.  The cold liquid dribbled down my face despite her attempts to not have it.  She gave me a piece of gauze to clean up the peroxide that went down my face.  She grabbed the hill of bloody gauze and put it into an over full trash can that was already jam packed with more bloody gauze. "I need to change the bandages on your chest too." She tells me.

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