Chapter One

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She had always rejected normality, and in a way, it had always rejected her. She was the youngest of her sisters, and held the least resemblance to the rest of the family. Life had been jolly once, all of them growing up in their country home, with their governess. Of course, she'd had to move on before this story takes place - for when our story takes place, it is when our main character has just grown up.

She was to be married off soon no doubt, and leave her family home for that of her husband's. She didn't want to get married yet though. She felt the age of eighteen was still rather young. Besides, some of her older sister's still weren't married. Her eldest sister, Nora, at the time was aged thirty, and had been happily married for a long while; she had been twelve for Nora's wedding. Nora possessed luscious golden hair that just spilled a little over her shoulder. Her eyes were like sapphire dewdrops on her soft face. Amabelle did not see much of her though - Nora had gone to live in her husband's family home after the honey moon.

At twenty eight, the second eldest sister was Eva, with her warm honey tinted hair and eyes the colour of the sea. She'd been married off too, and lived in Ireland for the majority of the time, rarely visiting London.

Then there were the twins, identical strawberry blond hair and blue eyes and twenty six years of age. Their names were Rebecca - who was engaged - and Sarah - who was married.

Then there was Fern, aged twenty four, along with her hair that made one imagine rusted gold. Her eyes were green like Amabelle's, but a duller shade.

The last was Abigail, aged just twenty two, with greyish eyes, but with blazing ruby hair. Abigail and Fern were both courting at the time. Their mother was generally proud of her daughters; apart from Amabelle.

She was the odd one out. Her hair was the darkest black, darker than a winter night, darker than a raven's wing, darker than a pit from hell. She had always been the palest, the only colour on her face being her few, scarce freckles. Her eyes were like the forest, a green so deep one could get lost in it. She loved the forest. She liked the dark creatures being by her side, she felt they were her friends. Many a demon she had conversed with, their twisted faces and wicked smiles leaving her strangely unaffected. Perhaps she was a changeling. They did not want to hurt her. She was one of them. She would revel in mischievous larks, capturing rabbits, teasing mice. They were her play mates. Most of her sister's were too old to play with her.

Her mother did not like the way she always absconded from her lessons to play in the woods. Mother hated the woods; she couldn't bear to enter them. However she did that day. The twilight had set in, and Amabelle was chatting away with one of the demons who she'd met earlier in the afternoon. Then its ears set back, and it bade farewell as it slunk away into the shadows. Snaps of twigs alerted her to someone's approach. Spinning round she laid eyes on her mother.

"Mother?" She inquired doubtfully, her brow creasing as she spoke.


Hallo! Was wondering if I could get 5 reads before I put up the next chapter? Thanks! :) Also was wondering about a cast - have already got an idea for Master Digby, who will be introduced in the next chapter, but have no idea about the rest! Would appreciate any suggestions!

- Mirabel

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