Chapter Eleven

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"Hello?" The owner of the timid knock called out. Amabelle rose and gracefully glided over towards the door and swung it open.

"Hello! What are you doing out of bed, young man?" Amabelle mock-demanded, theatrically throwing her hands to her hips, all the while smirking down at the small boy clad in pyjamas.

"I had a nightmare Miss Amabelle... I couldn't wake Mable or Amelia, they're fast asleep. And mother is still out... And father is working in his study, and I shouldn't like to disturb him... I know I'm supposed to be brave, but I feel so scared..." Oliver's eyes watered, and Amabelle feared he would burst into tears. She didn't want that. She had never had to deal with a crying child before.

"Hush, hush... It's ok. Why don't we make some warm milk to ward away those nasty thoughts? You're perfectly safe, there's no reason to be afraid." She hugged the boy, and tried to comfort him, wiping away the little tears sprouting from his eyes.

"But we're not safe!! There's the beast in the forest, and I'm sure he likes eating children - mother said so!" He sobbed harder into her shoulder. She pushed him back slightly, holding his shoulders, so she could look him in the eye.

"You are safe. I'm sure your father would protect you valiantly from the beast!" She declared, but Oliver didn't look quite so convinced. "And if he doesn't, I will." She added firmly.

"But how? How could you stop a beast?" He asked, sceptical and puzzled, his sobbing ceasing.

"I'll let you in on a secret..." She began, drawing closer. "I'm magic, and I could turn that beast into a little fly if I wanted to!"

The boy's eyes widened, then narrowed. "But magic isn't real." He crossed his arms a little grumpily, as he didn't like being lied to.

"Oh yes it is! Watch this!" And with a flick of her wrist, little clouds of light danced about, until they became very definite shapes. She had created a miniature pirate battle scene in the air. The child's face lit up with awe and delight.

"Can you teach me to do that?" He begged with sparkling eyes.

"I'm sure I could," she giggled, "but first you need to sleep! It's past your bed time, so why don't we get that warm milk, and tuck you back into bed?" She made it seem like a little conspiracy or rebellion against the bed time rules, their own little midnight adventure.

"Yes, let's!" He cried, tugging her hand. They giggled some more, and tiptoed down the stairs to the kitchen. Oliver knew his way round the kitchen superbly considering he had no reason to ever go down there. She later discovered that he often helped Mrs Melch make pudding, so he could have any leftover goodies. Warm milk drained from their mugs, and safely stowed away in their bellies, they crept back up the stairs, their secret mission completed. Amabelle tucked him into bed, and just as she was leaving, he asked: "What if I have another nightmare?"

She smiled pleasantly and replied: "Try to go back to sleep, but if you cannot, then come and find me. I'll help chase those nightmares away!" He grinned, then quickly fell back to sleep. She looked at the clock and sighed. It was one in the morning. She turned and immediately bumped into someone... It was Mr Douglas.

"What are you doing, up so late?" He demanded.

"Oh, umm, Oliver had a nightmare, and didn't want to disturb you, so I put him back to bed... I hope you don't mind." She explained hurriedly, looking down, scuffing her feet, and wringing her hands. She looked like a shy schoolgirl.

"Thank you!" His face softened, and they smiled at each other. Then he cleared his throat. "Thank you, but he should really learn to deal with these nightmares by himself." He amended harshly.

"Oh, but he's scared of a beast in the forest! Apparently Mrs Douglas told him that it enjoyed eating children! He's quite terrified." Amabelle defended the boy, disliking the hard tone from his father. He frowned, and mumbled something incoherent under his breath, turning to leave.

"Goodnight then." He huffed, and strode off to his chambers, still mumbling incomprehensibly. She let out another quiet sigh and returned to her room. She noticed a shelf of books on one wall, selected one of the volumes at random, and began to read for the rest of the night.


Hello!!! (Sorry the up chapter is a bit late - still got dodgy wifi...) 

Still completely chuffed at getting OVER 100!!!  

Thank you, thank you, thank you, one gazillion billion times over!!! Actually, make that two gazillion billion.... Actually let's just say a google plex plex plex plex times over!!!! (A google is a 1 with 100 zeroes, and every time you add a plex it's multiplying it by another google.... Just some random mathsy stuff there...(That I'm only half certain is correct, but oh well!))

If you're clever, you probably skipped that rant up there!  

So yeahh... Next target 140? I dunno, it kinda depends on how quickly I write and you read I guess...

Still debating over hair colour for Silvia and Amelia.... Perhaps it should be red.... I'd like your thoughts on that... :D

Oh well! 

- Mirabel!

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