Chapter Five

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She finished tearing apart the box to find a red and white dress, with matching red shoes. She looked deeper into the packaging and found a pair of luxurious red elbow-length gloves. She dressed with speed. She looked breath-taking. Mother deemed the outfit suitable and they left for the party.

“Why are we having a party?” Amabelle enquired as they walked along the dusty path, warm breezes reaching them, playing with their hair.

“You will see my dear. You will see. The question is not why have a party, but why not? Enjoy yourself!” With that Mother whisked herself off to greet the guests. Amabelle spun around, registering the various faces surrounding her. There was no one she particularly wanted to interact with so she crept off to a farther part of the clearing. One of the demons came and sat on her knee.

“Shall we wreak mischief, my lovely?” It suggested, looking up to her. “There are so many people – some of us will not resist the temptation to interfere. Do you mind?”

“I would rather they didn’t, no matter how enjoyable it might be. Would you remind them all to be on best behaviour, and by that, I don’t mean their worst.” She commanded. The demon nodded disappointed, but they always respected her word, so she was fairly confident that nothing would go wrong. It bounded off to warn the others.

“Hello Miss Amabelle!” Master Digby called, striding towards her, waving. She rolled her eyes before turning to him.

“Hello Master Digby, a wonderful party!” She greeted, smiling. “Only, I have no idea why they might hold one today! Do you know why? I haven’t the foggiest. I suppose Mother must have told you something, as you two have been speaking so much of late!”

“Oh... Umm... I’m sure that it’s for a good reason...” His cheeks reddened slightly. He sat down beside her on the log. “I don’t really know how to say this... I think it a bit unfair for you to be suddenly thrown into things... especially with such expectations... I don’t know how to put this to you...” He sighed looking up into her face; they were so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. She had never really looked at his face properly before. His eyes were more complexly coloured. She had at first thought they were an odd grey, like her sister’s. They were not. They were a strange combination of blue, green, brown, in a maelstrom of beauty. She had once heard the phrase ‘like the sea after a storm’ used to describe one thing or another, and she believed that it perfectly described his eyes.

“What is it?” She whispered, locked in a stare. He nervously looked down, breaking the intimacy, and coughed, rising.

“You’re about to find out. Your Mother wants you on the bandstand.” Then he was gone. She was rather befuddled and confused... She made for the bandstand as told. Mother was making a speech. Amabelle didn’t listen as she sat with the band. Suddenly there was cheering and Master Digby came on. He was grinning, and he gave a little speech, which again, she was so uninterested in, that she didn’t listen. Suddenly he was on his knee in front of her.

“Pardon?” She blurted eyes wide.

“Will you marry me?” He repeated.

Marry him? Marry him?? Dumbstruck, she just gaped and gawked. The faces beamed expectantly, he gazed at her lovingly. He’d remembered her promise. The moment flashed through her mind.


Helloooo... 50 reads por favor! ¡Gracias! (I have a lot of homework to do, so I really need a break!)

Sorry for the cliffhanger by the way (although you can probably tell I'm not that sorry)!

- Mirabel

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