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Fours POV

I wake up and look around. Tris is still sleeping beside me. I get out my phone and check the time. It's 5:46! Wow I have never woke up this early. I lay back down thinking I will be able to force myself to sleep for a few more hours but then I hear hushed voices from outside.

I sit up again and listen very closely. I can tell one of the voices to be Jason's and the second one sounds vaguely familiar. It's a mans voice and sounds a little raspy like they are older. I try to make out what they are saying but all I get from it is:


Wait what! How does this person know my real name and why are they talking about warewolfs and tris. I make a quick decision and in zip the tent and walk out to see Jason talking to someone I thought and hoped i would never see again....


When they turn their attention towards me my fathers eyes widen.

"Wow! Son you have changed very much. No longer the scrawny weakling who had to cry for him mommy every time he was scared of his father." He says with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Why are you here? And Jason why are you talking to him?" I ask in a deadly tone.

"You see son I came here to recruit some warewolfs for our pack. And I hear that a special warewolf is somewhere here what did you say her name was Jason?" He says smugly

I already know he is talking about Tris.

"Tris Prior" he says looking down at his feet as if he is scared of my father.

"Why do you want her?" I ask still in a deadly tone.

"Well you see she is special. And so are you but I don't want you because your a fluke being divergent or not." He says.

"Divergent?" I ask

"It when warewolfs have more power then they think they are stronger and faster and sometimes they can have hidden abilities it super cool" Jason says looking up from the ground but just to be scowled upon by Marcus.

"I didn't ask you to speak." Marcus hisses. "It doesn't matter. All that does matter is that you get tris to me. And if you fail then I might just have to recruit a vampire instead." With that he turns into a wolf and runs off into the woods.

"Really what happened to you living tris now your trying to take her away." I say scolding Jason.

"I DO LOVE HER" he says loudly. "He said if I can get him to her that he will let me join his pack and we can be together without you." He said quieter now.

"Yah well im not gonna let that happen"

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