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        Yinka! Miriam! Is that you guys?” my mum calls from inside the house as we step in and I look at Yinka and he returns my puzzled look.

       It was quite unusual for my mother to be home before us, running two of the biggest fashion houses that supplied Nigerians abroad with their native wear was a time consuming business so except it was something important she came back at least three hours after we did.

       By important I mean when she decided that I should go back into therapy to make me overcome my trauma so I’ll stop using my mouth for speaking and not eating alone, not her exacts words but if you ask me, it was that old buddy Ms. Wilhelm that put it in her head because I had already tried therapy before.

            “We’re the ones!” Yinka replies as I take off my shoes and hang my coat and scarf before slumping on the couch.

“You guys should come, we need to talk.” She says probably from her room or her office and once again I look at Yinka.

“Okay mum.” He answers shrugging my look off and begins to go in when he notices that I’m still on the couch.

“Miriam won’t you get up?” he asks and I make a face that I’m too tired to do so.

       “Where are you now?!” she calls “ I’m coming but I don’t know about Miriam ooo, she’s saying that she’s too tired to move.” He says and there’s a pause from my mum but we both know what’s coming next.

       “Miriam if you let me leave where I am and come and meet you there you won’t like yourself ooo, you can’t say you don’t know me!” she yells from the kitchen and I roll my eyes before glaring at Yinka who’s trying not to laugh.

    As he’s heading to whichever room our mum’s in, I act fast, using to my advantage the fact that I was in my stockings only and jump on Yinka's backing crossing my legs around his waist and holding on tight as he struggles to push me off.

       “Miriam‼ Get off me!” he yells while in my head I’m laughing my evil laugh, “Mummy come and tell your daughter to get off  before I fall her down ooo!” he shouts trying to grab mum’s attention.

         “You better don’t try that rough play in this house!” she yells back and Yinka mumbles under his breath “Only God knows how I ended up with a maniac like you for a sister, you’re just the worst Miriam, the worst.” He says and I grin.

“But you still love me.” I sign back as he grabs my leg to balance me well  “Like I have a choice.” He mutters as we trace mum’s humming to her room.

          “See this one’s..” she mutters rolling her eyes when Yinka dumps me on the bed and lies flat next to me.

“Mimi is fat ooo‼” Yinka says giving a much exaggerated sigh and I scoff signing that he’s the one who’s fat and poking his belly for emphasis.

        “Why did you now carry her?” mum asks grinning and Yinka gets up folding his arms “She jumped me. Again! And was it not you that said that I shouldn’t fall her down?” he asks and I roll my eyes.

       “Mimi shey I’ve told you to stop?” mum asks staring at me and I frown “I was tired naa.” I sign and she throws a pillow at me “Lazy ass.” She mutters and make a face.

          “You guys should shift let me lie down so we’ll discuss.” She says and we shift so she’s lying down in between the two of us.

        “Give me your hands.” She says and we place our hands in hers before exchanging looks “I saw that.” She says smiling and Yinka laughs.

        “You know I love you guys and only want the best for you two right?” she asks “Hmnn..” Yinka says and she turns to look at me and I nod “This one that you’re starting with that it must be something big.” Yinka says giving life to my thoughts.

           “It is. Its been coming to me for some time now and after a lot of consideration and lots and lots of prayers I’ve come to a decision and I believe it’s what God has been trying to tell me so I’m obeying.” She says.

          After my father’s death and burial of whatever remains that could be pieces together, my mother switched religious and became a Christian holding tightly to God and consulting Him for every decision she took, a lot of people especially her family members still don’t understand her reason for changing religions but I think it has to do with the way my father’s church members constantly stayed by her side throughout till she was ready to start living again, her Muslims bethrens were no where to be found after she tried to take her own life..

      “Miriam, did you hear what I said?” mum asks and I shake my head. “I knew she didn’t..mum said..” Yinka begins but mum waves him off.

        “I said that I believe it’s time we go back to our home country, we’re relocating back to Nigeria.” She says calmly.


Please I'm not attacking the Muslims in anyway, this is just a fictional story, no religion is bad.

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