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       "Meems.” Yinka calls from my doorway and I turn the music down. “Get dressed and come out.” He states and I make a sweeping motion at myself, I was dressed.

 “Something more comfortable like a tank top and short or tee shirt.” He says and I raise a brow. “ We’re going out with Dami and Remi..to play some games.” He says and another brow gets raised.

        “No mum doesn’t know yet but I’ll text her before we leave or after we’ve gone.” He says and I nod slowly, this time he’s the one raising a brow.

       “Give me ten minutes.” I sign shooing him out of my room as I lock the door I hear him shout “ She’ll be ready in twenty minutes!” and I roll my eyes.

           Rummaging through the small carryon that mum left before she took most of our luggages to our house where she went to supervise the decorators, I pick out a black tank top and a black pair of basketball shorts that I stole from Yinka.

        Staring at my reflection in the mirror I repack my hair and make a mental note to redye the roots and the tips. Grabbing my phone and book, I’m about to step out when I recall Aunty Laide’s warning of the weather getting cold during the evening time, I slip my hands through the sleeves of a green shirt that once belonged to Yinka which yes I stole as well, because what’s the point of having an older brother if not to steal their stuff?

         Making sure that I’ve got all that I need, I put them into a small messenger bag and wear my slides before going downstairs. “Twenty.” Yinka says looking up from his wristwatch and I roll my eyes.

           “You definitely took the word comfortable to a whole new level of fashion.” Remi says and I smile. She was wearing a pair of jean cutoffs and a gray tee shirt, Yinka was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and ash tee shirt, Dami was nowhere to be seen.

         “Yes ma, we’ll do so.. yes mummy.. thank you ma, Mummy thank you.” Dami says coming out from the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of black joggers and a black tank top.

    “So what did they say?” Yinka asks and Dami shrugs, “Nothing much, lock everywhere, unplug electrical appliances, turn off the gas, look after Meems.” He says and I tsk softly at that part.

         “So we’re set right?” Remi asks and we all nod “Oya let’s go, they’re already going too.” She says as I fall in place beside Yinka and walk behind Dami and Remi.

    “So how come you and Miriam are in the same class, you’re her senior by at least a year now?” Dami suddenly asks “Dami‼” Remi scolds nudging him and Yinka shakes his head “No it’s okay.” He says smiling.

            That was something about Yinka that I could never understand, he never grew angry or offended.. let me rephrase that. He never showed when he got offended, he never let the emotion show on his expression or behaviour. You had to be really close to him to know when he’s offended or angry… another thing Daddy’s death left us with, beause each one of us changed after he died. Mum held on to her faith with all she had, I stopped talking and Yinka stopped showing his anger, like he was scared of what would happen if he showed it, so naturally I did it for both of us.

        Turning my head to him, I notice that his smile doesn’t  seem right like it was when he was angry or offensive. “So what’s the reason then?”  Dami asks again.

One thing I’ve figured out about Dami was that he was naturally curious, he didn’t know how to hide it, if he wanted to know something he simply asked, if he didn’t know something he asked.. it was that simple with him. That way he reminded me of a child because only children openly asked questions like that no matter how embarrassing or offensive it may be.

         “Well after Dad died, I had social anxiety. I couldn’t go anywhere without convulsing and having panic attacks. Took about a year before I got over it, so I had to do the year I missed, that’s why I’m in the same class with Meems which turned out to be actually nice.” He explains and Dami nods.

       “I should’ve been done with school but I wasn’t serious with my jss3 exams so I had to repeat a class.” Dami suddenly says shrugging, “And I should be in the university but I didn’t pass my jamb or post jamb.” Remi says and they turn to me..

“I’m not doing any of that, I’m in the class I’m meant to be in.” I sign and Yinka translates before they start laughing and I join them. “She can laugh?” Dami suddenly asks and I roll my eyes “Because I don’t speak doesn’t mean I can’t laugh, you just have to listen really well to hear it.” I text and show it to him before rolling my eyes again. “Noted.” He says laughing.

          Passing a snack store with a poster advertising cold drinks,I sigh and Yinka nudges me raising a brow “I miss vending machines.” I sign and he snorts. “Go ahead, laugh at my pain. Mock me.” I sign before folding my arms.

       “What’s the gist?” Remi asks looking at both of us “Miriam wants a snack.” Yinka says laughing and Remi hits him “I don’t know about you but I also want too, there’s a shop nearby.” She says pointing and Dami slaps her hand down “When will you learn to stop pointing?” he says and she glares at him, “Its like you’ve forgotten that I’m older abii?’ she asks and he rolls his eyes “This is not about who’s older, it’s just rude to point that’s all I’m saying.” He replies and they start arguing.

        Although they’re argument is quite hilarious due to the fact that like her mother, Remi gesticulates wildly when she’s either excited or in this case angey,I begin to get a headache.

        Noticing the drink in Dani’s hands I remember something and nudge Yinka and he turns to look at me.

“Wasn’t it Dami that was crying on Dad’s burial that he wanted 5alive?” I sign and Yinka gives me a weird look and I discreetly point to the drink in Dani’s hand “I’m sure he’s the one.” I sign and Yinka suddenly starts laughing after looking at Dami and I join.

        “What’s funny?” Remi snaps turning to look at us but every time Yinka and I looked up at Dami we ended up laughing the more especially when he took a sip of his drink.

          “I feel like I’m the subject of this joke.” Dami says noticing us laughing after taking another glance at him “When are you not?” Remi asks before turning back to us “Are you going to share the joke or not?” she asks and Yinka stops laughing.

           “Miriam here just reminded me that Dami was the child that was crying for 5alive on our Dad’s burial, and now all I’m hearing in my head is muuuummmyyy I want 5aliiiivvveee!” Yinka says and Remi immediately starts laughing.

          “And I was hoping nobody remembered that anymore.” Dami says scratching the back of his neck while we all laugh.

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