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Staring at the clock I give a small sigh before sitting on an unoccupied armchair and shut my head trying to block out the booming music.

    Like I knew he would, Yinka had offered me a deal that I couldn’t resist; he sent to my account 45% percent of the money he was saving for a new game, apparently the game wasn’tas important as throwing a party and now the party was in full swing.

Drunk dancing bodies littered the house, some were grinding furiously on each other, others had found a makeout spot, some where hooting and hollering as they watched a game, others were drunk chatting…point is it was a nice party with its colourful light and loud music…but then Yinka had never thrown a boring party.

      Glancing around I see Remi grinding against her friend and I almost puke, I didn’t need to see that. A lot of those in attendance were from school and some were from the park, I recognised some of the people I played basketball with and against, I didn’t see Marcel though. Like Mum said, things were good at least for Yinka.

        Gulping the contents of my cup, I get up from my chair and head to the kitchen, checking how much alcohol remained, I was careful to take from the back only and from the ones that mum won’t miss.

     Seeing that there was enough to last the night, I grab a cup and pour before gulping it all up and as I’m about to pour again someone holds my hand.

   “Easy Tiger, that shit is strong.” A voice I recognise as Jake says and I frown at him before staring at the label..this wasn’t part of the ones I brought out, I think and he grins “I managed to smuggle out some of my dad’s brandy but we needed more drinks.” He explains and I nod.

        “You look really nice.” He compliments and I stare down at myself; I had changed into a pair of black distressed cutoffs and a body hugging cropped shirt and finished it off with a pair of converse and light makeup.

“Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I sign before shaking my head realising that he doesn’t understand sign language. “Wait a second, I’ll be right back.” He says and I nod. Watching him walkaway, I notice the muscles ripple underneath his shirt; he had changed back to the outfit he came in, and in order to avoid being caught, I search for Yinka and I see him talking with a girl in skin tight gown..it was so tight that I wondered how she could breath.

         Looking closer at her, I recognise her as Peace, the girl who has the longest skirt in our class and doesn’t wear trousers. Now I understood why Helen called her the best definition of hypocrisy when they argued on Friday.

  Noticing my gaze, Yinka who's dresses in a longleeved shirt and ripped jeans, turns back and raises a brow at me, rolling my eyes I give him a mock salute which he returns before turning back to Peace.

  “That was quite a long second.” Jake says coming back and I nod, “Took sometime but I managed to find a book and pen among the party animals.” He says pushing it towards me and I smile.

      “That was thoughtful of you.” I write and show him and he grins “Nah it was nothing.” He says pouring himself a drink “Want one?” he asks and I nod and he pours into my cup.

“Is outside as rowdy as this?” I ask and he nods after reading it “Its worse actually, I’m not sure but I think I saw someone swimming butt naked in the pool.” He says and I shake my head “You’re kidding.” I write and he shakes his head “I’m serious, if you don’t believe me we can go and check it out.” He says and I make a face, “No thanks, I’m good.” I write and he laughs showing off his pearly whites and I stare at him.

        Jake was really good looking, he could even be defined as hot, straight nose, chiseled jaw, dark chocolate skin and really dark eyes, I could understand why half of the class girls, from every department and those in other classes were chasing after him…the other half either had boyfriends, liked other guys or were chasing after Yinka.. the fact that they saw Yinka as hot will never not be weird to me.

      “Yinka said something about you really being good at basketball.” He says and I nod “You should join the girls basketball team then.” He says and I scrunch my nose, “Why would I want to do that?” I ask and he shrugs “You can gain friends from there and it’ll be fun for you since you like playing.” He says and I put two and two together.

          “Yinka put you up to this right? Talking to me and getting me to join the girls basketball team abii?” I ask and his expression gives him away, grabbing the bottle and cup I was drinking from, I start walking out of the kitchen.

       “Miriam, Miriam chill now.” He says quickly catching up with me and I ignore him him walking outside “C’mon now..” he says moving in front of me and blocking my path forcing me to stop.

       “Yinka simply said that he wished that you could join the team so you could make more friends and I told him that I could suggest it to you. That’s all, he didn’t put me up to it, yes he’s worried but he didn’t ask me to do anything.” He says and I press my lips trying to figure out if he’s lying or not.

“I swear on your life I’m not lying.” He says and that makes me smile a bit and he laughs, “Omo that was the only thing I could think of saying,and I was praying that it works.” He says and I shake my head.

       “Are we okay now?” he asks and I shrug “Do you want to remain outside or go back inside?” he asks as someone bumps into me making me spill a bit of the contents of my cup on him. “Bros watch how you’re walking naa‼” he yells at the person’s retreating form.

      He turns back to me and I point inside “Good choice,let’s go.” He says linking our arms and we walk back inside. Moving back to where I was sitting, I meet a girl there swapping spits with the boy on the other seat, clearing my throat the breakaway from each other and the girl looks up at me.

       “Ehn heh?” she asks and I give her a smile turning to Jake, “This is our seat, we left to get something to drink, but now we’re back.” He says and the girl hisses.

“See this one’s, your seat nii, your seat ko, we didn’t meet anyone here and there’s no name written on this chair and except the hosts of this party asks us to leave this place I’m not leaving and even there I must have displayed a bit of madness before doing so.” She says and I drop my drink on the empty stool before collecting the book and pen from Jake and writing before handing it back to him.

        When he reads it, he glances at me before shaking his head “Easy Tiger.” He murmurs softly before turning to the girl, “This is one of the hosts and she’s asking if you’re ready to display your madness now and in what way you want to so she can match yours.” He says toning down what I had written.

       “Guy you have temper ooo!” he says after we’ve sat down; the madness displayer and her boyfriend having left and I shrug “You’re saying I have temper now that I’m drinking, and you haven’t even seen me when I'm as sober as a monk.” I write and he laughs “We’ll drink to that.” He says raising his cup and I do the same before gulping my drink.





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