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     “Miriam‼!” my mum called more like shouted and making a face I get up from my bed and trudge downstairs before stopping by the kitchen and slouch by the wall.

      “Dress up and go.” She says and I frown “Go where?” I sign and she scoffs, “Out, go anywhere but inside this house.” She says and I fold my arms.

       “So  I should just be going anywhere. Roaming like a lost idiot abii?” I ask and she glares “Better watch the attitude young lady, if I could be beating you abroad imagine what I’ll do now that we’re in Nigeria.” She threatens.

       “ I don’t have where to go.” I sign and she shrugs “I don’t know about that one. All I know is that you’ll go out today, if it’s to buy only one sticksweet and stay in their shop for hours. You will.” She says and I glare at her as she picks up another onion to slice.

         “If you like glare till there’s a hole behind my head, you will still go.” She mutters and I straighten up walking into the kitchen and nudging her.

         “Miriam you need to leave this house even if it’s for an hour.” She says and I nudge her again and she turns to stare at me.

       “Miriam we’ve been here for close to a month now and you’ve also been in school for that amount of time, you’ve got no real friends and from what I hear your brother has suddenly moved to one of the most popular students.” She says and I frown.

            “I’m not Yinka naa mummy.” I protest and she uses her hands to cup my face, “I’m not asking you to be Yinka, I just want you to be happy here and make friends. That’s all.” She says and I’m about to sign but she grasp my hand stopping me.

       “No Miriam, you won’t be kidnapped or killed.” She says grinning and I frown.

“Now move yourself out of the house.” She says and I frown heading upstairs….

       “I said out not in‼” she yells and I turn around before signing, “I’m not leaving here in my pyjamas.” Before sticking my tongue out at her and she retorts by throwing a dish towel at me.


          Muttering to myself as I stick my earphones into my ear, I tie my red plaid shirt and adjust my cutoffs before heading out of the gate.

     Glancing around I weigh my options, Dami and Remi's house were a couple of blocks away and although they would question why I came, they wouldn’t drive me away.

     I also had Jake’s address because Yinka gave it to me incase I wanted to join them playing computer games, I wasn’t ready to go through the stress of locating his house so I shove it back into my shorts.

      Seeing as I had run out of options I decide to follow my mum’s advice and head to the corner shop, and pick up a stick sweet before paying for it.

      Glancing at the contents of their shop, they give me odd looks and groaning inwardly, I exit the shop and start walking off.

      Deciding to walk in a straight line so it’ll be easy to find my way back, I check my phone to know what time it is, and I frown when I notice that it hasn’t been fifteen minutes since I left the house.

         Wondering if there was a place close by that I could sit out and wait till an hour or two pass, I bump into someone and my phone drops from my hands.

    Letting out a shout which of course wasn't heard, my face contorting in fright I bend down to pick up my phone and check for damages.

       “Did it break?” a surprisingly familiar voice and noticing just few scratches on my phone’s screen protector, I shake my head no, before turning to look at who had bumped into me and I find no one other than Marcel.

        “Miriam!” he says grinning and I nod, “What were the odds that we’ll meet in this environment?” he asks and I shrug, “I live here.” I sign and he nods.

       “So I’m guessing you’re going over to a friend’s place right?” he asks and I shake my head. “My mum kicked me out of the house so I can be more social.” I explain and he laughs.

“Well then I believe I know a place that’d be suitable for you.” He says and I raise a brow and he holds out his hands while I contemplate the million ways I can die, disappear and how my body will be found if I trust the wrong person.

      “C’mon, I don’t bite…at least not when we’re not doing adult things.” He says wriggling his brow and I make an irritated look but he just laughs, his hand still held out and I place mine slowly into his and he gives me a smile before he starts walking tugging me along.

       After leaving the estate, I and Marcel walk for sometime, crossing bridges and busy roads before we eventually get to a busy place that seems to be home to bukkas or srreetfood shacks.

          “I don’t eat street food.” I sign and he grins”That’s what I used to say too. Wait till you taste any of their food and your mind will change. Make a choice.” He says dramatically waving at the food stalls and I point to one by the far end.

      “Suya. Good choice.” He says moving towards that side and I run to catch up with him before I loose him in the crowd. Slowly I slip my hands into his to avoid him from moving without dragging me along and he squeezes it.

       Arriving at the suya spot,the Mallam doing so give us a piece each for tasting and I pop it into my mouth as Marcel does and I close my eyes enjoying the taste and when I open it I see Marcel staring at me.

      “Its wonderful isn’t it?” he asks and before I can begin signing a reply, loud shots erupts and there’s shouting, the voice in my head screams run‼ and just as I’m about to join the terrified crowd running, Marcel drags me back.

       “Get down‼” he yells pulling me down as more gun shots are heard and wraps his arms around me pressing my head to his chest and resting his chin on my head.

        As the shots seems to be increasing I find myself holding onto Marcel’s shirt as I feel my skin grow cold and clammy with fear and Marcel moves his head so that his lips are near my ears and he says.

      “Miriam if you know it, begin reading Psalm 91 non stop.” And as I’m about to start doing so, I hear a thud and when I try to turn to see what fell, Marcel clamps his hands around my eyes saying;

       “Psalm 91.”


So Marcel is baaaccckkk!!
Also Psalm 91 is a prayer of protection that my mum made the entire family learn.. I say it in every situation..
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