Chapter 9

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= Zymir =

"Okay, but she's not my mom!"

"Son, I know. Trust me, I get it. But she is my wife and you need to respect her!"

"Why should I? When is the last time she respected me? Who is she to come into our home and start expecting me to treat her like she is high and mighty mom? And how come every time I get into an argument with her you are taking up for her? Where is my support dad?"

"First of all, she is my wife. This as much of her home as it is yours. Look son, I am not taking sides here. I am just trying to hear your side of the story. You know you are not the only one adjusting to our new family still. You think it is easy for Abigail to come into a home and try to be some type of mother figure to a boy that is not even her son? All she wants is a little acceptance into our family."

"Maybe I could accept her if she did not always try to change something. Everything was fine before you felt like I needed a new mommy."

"Well, I would like to think that you would want to think about my happiness too. I loved your mother, still do, and always will. I love Abigail too. She makes me happy and we connect, and I want you to take it easier on her. As long as we have been married and I am still having these talks with you. I am not trying to replace your mother. She could never be replaced." I roll my eyes and shake my head. He will just never understand.

I just walk past him and out of my bedroom door.

"Zymir, where are you going?"

"Out." I walk downstairs to the front door and grab my keys out of the bowl by the door. I pull out my phone and call Arion. She answers but she sounds like she was asleep. "Did I wake you?"

"N—" She is about to say no but it gets interrupted with a yawn.

"Ha, liar. My bad."

"It doesn't matter. What's up?"

"I was going to stop by, but I'm going to let you continue sleeping."

"No, come on."

"You sure?"

"Always sure, stupid."

"Shut up, big head. I'm on my way."

"Okay." I hang up the phone and put it down on the passenger seat. Once I get to her house I get out and walk up to the door. Before I can knock or ring the doorbell the door opens and I walk in. "So what's wrong?"

"Why does something have to be wrong? I can't just come see my girlfriend at almost ten at night?"

"Of course you can, but you usually don't. Don't play with me."

"Okay, well I don't want to think about it so can I tell you later?"


"Besides, I did want to see you. I missed you." She smiles at me and walks towards me. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"Aawww, I missed you too." I lean down and give her a kiss.

"Where are your parents?"

"Sleep in their room. They have to leave in the morning for a trip to Chicago."

"Soooo, if I spent the night...would they know?"

"Nah, usually when they leave for out of town they just leave a note."

"Can I?"

"Of course." She smiles at me and grabs my hand to lead me upstairs. I have spent the night at her house before with her parents home. A couple of times actually, but most of the times I try to leave before they are up. They like me but I don't think they like me that much.

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