Chapter 7

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= Zymir =

"Where are you about to go?" Arion leans into me while my back is against the wall. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer.

"I got tutoring."

"For math?" I nod my head. "You finally gonna let your teacher help you?"

"She thinks I will learn better if a student teaches me."

"Oh. So, who is tutoring you then?" I steal a kiss before I answer her question.

"The new girl." She raises an eyebrow at me. I already know she is not going to like that.

"Yippee, one more reason for y'all to get all buddy buddy." She rolls her eyes and looks away from me. I roll my eyes and make her look at me again.

"Why are you being like that?"

"I just---it's already weird---I don't know, Zymir. I just feel like she is bad news or something. She seems sneaky. Her whole quiet 'I want to be alone' act. It's annoying."

"Have you ever thought that maybe it is not an act?"

"How would you know?"

"I don't. But how would you know that it is?" I give her a cocky smirk and she hits my arm.

"Shut up smart ass." She gives me another kiss. "I need to go."

"Mhm, go get this mess done." I touch her wild afro and she swats my hand away. Apparently she is about to go get her hair braided or something.

"Shut up! Play so much!" She bends down to pick her bag up and I smack her ass. She stands up and glares at me.

"Okay, okay. I'm done!" I start laughing as she walks over to me like she is about to hit me. "Arion, stop playing." I grab her hand and she tries to pull away but I just pull her into me again.

"Ugh, Zymir let go!"

"Give me one more kiss and I will let go." She just pouts at me and I kiss her anyways. I let her go and she starts walking down the stairs with me following. "Bye Mufasa!" She flicks me off as she exits out the school doors. I laugh as I walk towards the library. I check my phone and see that I am three minutes late. Shit. I start jogging to the library, and when I go in, my stuff is still sitting on the couch.

I bend down to pick it up and the door closes behind me. I turn to see who it is and Zahara walks in looking at her phone. Look at me, rushing to be on time. She looks up at me and sees me standing there. I don't know why the situation is awkward for me.

"Sorry I'm late." I don't know why I expect her to explain herself.

"Oh um, it's okay. I just got here actually thinking I was making you wait." I give off a nervous laugh and she just smirks nonchalantly as she walks to the back. I follow quietly. We reach a table and she sets her backpack on the table, and I sit across from her and set my bag on the floor. It is quiet as she answers back a text and then sets her phone down and looks at me.

"So, I am supposed to sit here while you do today's homework and help you when you have a question. Do you understand what we learned today at all?" I shake my head no and start pulling my folder out of my backpack. "Okaaayyy." She scoots her chair around closer to my side of the table. I watch as she grabs my book and opens it to the page with the lesson on it. "Give me a second. I haven't read this yet." I watch as she starts reading and take this time to take her in.

I never realized how pretty she is until now. Her hair is very long and wild. Everything is the same from in my dream. Except her clothes. Maybe she has been having dreams too. Should I ask her, or would that be weird?

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