Chapter 4

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= Zahara =

So far I have made it through the entire day and was able to stay low and out of people's way. No one has really noticed me, which is good and soon I will be able to go home and relax.

"Hey, new girl. You got an extra pencil?" The guy sitting in front of me turns around and asks me. He is actually funny. This is seventh period, halfway through class, and this is the fifth pencil he has asked me for; even after I said no the last three times. Last time I checked, if a girl keeps saying no, that literally means no.

"One did not just magically appear in the last ten minutes." He gives a slight chuckle and turns back around. I roll my eyes and shake my head. He does not bother me for the rest of class and I am able to finish my writing assignment and lay my head down on my desk. I guess I doze off, because the next sound I hear is the bell ring. As I squeeze through the hustle and bustle of my class, I finally make it out and head for my locker.

Being the new girl is really awkward and I stick out like a sore thumb everywhere that I go. I don't know why, but people can not just ever run their eyes right through me, or over me. It is really not that hard. I finally make it to my locker and have no trouble opening it this time. Earlier I could not get it open for the life of me, but the girl next to me helped me with it.

There is nothing I really have to put in here except the books that teachers gave me. Guess I will ask for supplies tonight.

"Hey Zahara." Pencil boy comes up and hands me back the two pencils I actually let him borrow.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you." I nod as a "You're Welcome" and close my locker so that I can leave. "So, how was your first day?" He walks with me towards the stairs and follows me down.

"It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"Yes." I wish he would go away.

"Where you going in such a rush?" I stop and spin around. He almost runs into me, but is able to prevent that from happening.

"Look, you really seem like a nice guy, you do, but I don't have friends and I do not try to make friends. I like to be by myself really, and I would really appreciate it if you honored that please." He steps back some and nods his head.

"That's okay. At least let me show you to the library though. Please?" How did he know I wanted to go to the library? I give him a quizzical look and he responds with a smirk. "Lucky guess, and it will save you time from going to the office and asking." Without any contemplation of my next move, his arm is around my shoulder and he is leading me in the opposite direction I was going.

"Hey Ky, you coming to practice?" A guy says this and Kylen stops to answer him.

"Yea man! Tell coach I might be a little late." We proceed to the library and it starts to come into view.


"Uh yea, for basketball."

"Oh, you must know Brandon then." He starts to laugh and I don't know what that is supposed to mean. He must be a joke to the team. We make it to the library finally and I pull out of his arm so that I can get the door. "Thank you Kylen."

"You know my name?"

"Yes, I saw it on your paper the fourth time you turned around." He laughs and walks up to open the door more for me. Why won't he just go to practice?

"Do you really want to know how I knew you were going to the library?"


"Kylen, get to the court now!"

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