Chapter 10

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= Zahara =

"Are you driving?"


"Where are you going?" There is a pause before he replies.

"To work." It takes everything in me not to groan. His job is the reason I will have to spend fall break without him.

"Oh." I hear him laugh. "Is there something funny?"

"Yes babe, you are hilarious." I smirk and look at the clock again. Twenty more minutes and then we can go. Everyone else is excited for break, so I am kind of excited by default. I know though, after about two days I will be ready to come back. I hate how hung up I am on the fact that he will not be here.

"I should have asked to go see you instead. My break is going to be so depressing now."

"I am so sorry I could not make it work out. I really miss you." I blow out a breath and start looking around the class at everyone.

"I miss you too." The bell rings making even more commotion as everyone rushes out of class. "Call me when you get off work."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up the phone and wait a few minutes before getting up and walking out of class.

"Zaharaaa." I turn around to see Zymir motioning me towards him. I walk over to him and give him a quick hug. "It's break now!"

"Yea, woohoo." I roll my eyes and pout.

"Aw, don't be like that. We will make it fun since Chris couldn't make it."

"Eh, I think I'll just hang in the house most of the time."

"Girl please, if I can't pull you out of the house I am sure someone will. I am sure Sav wants to hang out with you." I roll my eyes again. Ever since he told me Sav has a crush on me he is always suggesting me spending time with him, but even if I did not have a boyfriend, I don't think Sav and I match.

"Whatever. I am going to miss the bus dealing with you."

"It's okay, I can take you."

"No you can not."


"Why do you think? I do not feel like dealing with Arion." This time he rolls his eyes. Ever since his brilliant idea of us meeting each other I have been limiting us hanging out. Last thing I need right now is for Arion to try and start unnecessary drama. She seems like that messy type. Every time I turn down an offer for me and him to hang out he gets irritated.

"She will be alright. For real."

"No, Zymir." I walk away from him and head out the building before he can convince me to ride with him. He calls my name a couple of times but I ignore him. I walk out of the building and down the steps towards where my bus usually stops. Everybody from my neighborhood is still there so I head over towards the crowd.

In mid-step my way is blocked by some girl I have never seen. She towers over me with a mean look glued to her face. I am guessing this is supposed to intimidate me. "Who are you?"

She does not answer me and the next thing I know I am surrounded by three girls in a tight circle preventing me from moving. A few seconds later Arion walks up to me. I should have known. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I never take my eyes off her as she takes the girl's place in front of me and the three back off of me. Slowly a crowd starts to form around us. I guess Arion intimidates kids often. Not today.

"What do you want?"

"I already told you what I wanted from you. And now I am about to kick your ass since you think you can just walk around and do whatever. All these boys around this school and you just had to jump on mine." This is so stupid. I roll my eyes and look around and the crowd has gotten bigger.

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